Being diagnosed with diabetes can seem like a life sentence.
You see yourself on an endless cocktail of insulin and other drugs to manage the disease, then more medicine to counteract the side effects and so it goes on.
But, what you'd really like is a natural cure for diabetes that would, over time, allow the doctor to dramatically reduce, possibly eliminate your medication.
So what is the best natural treatment? The answer may surprise you.
It's food.
Here is the beginner's guide on how to make the best natural cure for diabetes work for you.
Read food labels when you shop.
You'll often struggle to find anything that resembles real food in the list of ingredients.
That's the clue to leave the item on the shelf.
Our bodies have not evolved to cope with such concoctions.
If you don't know how, take a class.
Preparing your own meals is the best way to know exactly what's in the foods you eat.
It puts you in control.
Don't have the time to cook? Wrong answer.
Make time.
Get up earlier in the morning if you have to.
Face up to being diabetic.
Your old lifestyle wasn't working.
Change it.
Menu plan for the week ahead.
It helps you work out the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats in your diet and ensures variety to give your body gets all the nutrients it needs.
For example, think color when it comes to fruit and vegetables - reds, oranges, yellows, purples, greens.
Learn about the glycemic load (GL) of carbohydrates.
Eating carbs with a low GL is one of the best ways of keeping blood glucose levels under control.
And it can help you to lose weight too.
Learn which foods are acid and which are alkaline.
For good health your body must be at the right ph level.
Don't think of all fats as bad.
To function properly your body needs omegas 3, 6 and 9.
They're called essential fatty acids for a reason.
Remember your body strives to heal itself and to be in a state of balance.
The right foods help, the wrong foods hinder, maybe even destroy that balance.
You see yourself on an endless cocktail of insulin and other drugs to manage the disease, then more medicine to counteract the side effects and so it goes on.
But, what you'd really like is a natural cure for diabetes that would, over time, allow the doctor to dramatically reduce, possibly eliminate your medication.
So what is the best natural treatment? The answer may surprise you.
It's food.
Here is the beginner's guide on how to make the best natural cure for diabetes work for you.
Read food labels when you shop.
You'll often struggle to find anything that resembles real food in the list of ingredients.
That's the clue to leave the item on the shelf.
Our bodies have not evolved to cope with such concoctions.
If you don't know how, take a class.
Preparing your own meals is the best way to know exactly what's in the foods you eat.
It puts you in control.
Don't have the time to cook? Wrong answer.
Make time.
Get up earlier in the morning if you have to.
Face up to being diabetic.
Your old lifestyle wasn't working.
Change it.
Menu plan for the week ahead.
It helps you work out the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats in your diet and ensures variety to give your body gets all the nutrients it needs.
For example, think color when it comes to fruit and vegetables - reds, oranges, yellows, purples, greens.
Learn about the glycemic load (GL) of carbohydrates.
Eating carbs with a low GL is one of the best ways of keeping blood glucose levels under control.
And it can help you to lose weight too.
Learn which foods are acid and which are alkaline.
For good health your body must be at the right ph level.
Don't think of all fats as bad.
To function properly your body needs omegas 3, 6 and 9.
They're called essential fatty acids for a reason.
Remember your body strives to heal itself and to be in a state of balance.
The right foods help, the wrong foods hinder, maybe even destroy that balance.