Health & Medical Diabetes

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The American Diabetes Association is Wrong.
I know if you are diabetic and reading this you are thinking "that can't be, they're the ADA".
Bear with me for one moment.
I've tested this for years with diabetic patients and I really don't like to be the lone wolf, but they are wrong, and by the end of this article you will be able to see it for yourself, without me.
I am going to pull the curtain off their little secret.
Most people don't know enough about how the body works to argue with their doctors, but if you keep reading you could get rid of your diabetes like some of my patients or at least drastically reduce your need for medicine.
If you are one of the lucky ones...
who hasn't developed full blown diabetes yet, you need to keep reading if you don't want to get it.
Living in the USA, your chances of getting diabetes are very high, especially if you look down and see your belly before your shoes.
The good news that you are never told that you can completely stop it in its tracks.
The medical community won't tell you this so if you do ask your doctor be prepared for their standard pat answer, "only drugs will work".
And for some people drugs are great, because they have no intention to do anything on their own or take any responsibility for their health or their bodies.
Personally these people irritate me because they are a drain on the entire healthcare system, which raises my premiums.
I challenge you to test it.
I gave a lecture last night and one of the ladies there had diabetes.
She did all the official classes, and did what they told her to do.
They actually gave her a test with fake fruit to see if she could put it in the right carb category.
She got worse, as predicted, with the ADA's advice.
She took the advice in the rest of this article, went back and all of her numbers were better.
"What are you doing?" the nurse said.
My patient told her she was cutting back on her carbs and eating more protein.
The nurse freaked out on her and told her "you can't eat that much protein.
" Now I had to ask the patient, which would you prefer or more to the point, which do you think is harder on your body.
Which one do you want?
Now it is a little more complicated than that because you need the fat to go with the protein, but you get the point.
The nurse was so brain-washed she missed the big idea.
The nice patient in front of her didn't need medication any more and she was mad at her for going against their recommendations.
And this is exactly why I can say the American Diabetes Association is WRONG.
It feels rather strange to say that.
I have never called a major American Association out on the carpet, but I kind of like it.
People need saving, and the drivel they spew out to the public will make you worse, and guarantee you will need their drugs.
What is diabetes? It is a condition where the sugar level in your blood remains abnormally high.
It happens for one of two reasons.
Either your pancreas has lost the ability to produce enough insulin or your body has built defensive mechanisms that don't allow insulin to push sugar into your cells and out of the blood.
It is a Huge Problem.
It is on the rise every year.
It is one of the leading causes of death and disability.
Most people associate diabetes with the classic foot ulcers and gangrene, tingling in the hands and feet, and blindness.
But, diabetes also creates heart disease and kidney disease.
Close to 21 million people have diabetes and a whopping 54 million people are estimated to have pre-diabetes.
That means it's coming unless they learn this stuff.
There are two types, (Type I and II) Type I If you have type I you most likely know that already.
It is mostly considered a genetic problem.
There is some controversy over that.
There may be some other things that happen to kids early in life that brings it on, but the purpose of this article is to focus on type II because there is more you can do about that and it makes up the majority of diabetes.
On a side note, before the development of modern insulin type I was treated with a high-fat diet and no carbohydrates.
If you do have Type I, significantly limiting your carbohydrates will always help.
Type II You have to earn this type of diabetes.
This is an acquired problem.
It isn't like acquiring a college degree or earning money from a job.
Most people actually have no earthly idea how they got it, and sadly it is part of our western lifestyle and diet.
You get diabetes by being a typical American, and listening to your doctor about nutrition or any other federal or medical organization.
In the next few paragraphs I'll show you so plainly that you can see for yourself how the American Diabetes Association is wrong.
Keep reading and start a new journey into better health than your doctor.
Most people know that they eat too much.
Through out human history this is a new phenomenon.
Humans evolved with little food available.
As blood sugar drops too low, from lack of eating, there are dozens of hormones and mechanisms that help raise the bodies blood sugar.
When you over eat those lovely sugars and carbohydrates, the blood sugar starts to rise.
If the sugars are left high for long periods of time like in full-blown diabetes, the body does NOT like that.
Your body can do only one thing, make insulin.
The insulin takes the sugar out of the blood and puts into the cells.
Now, if you want to help your body out, exercise is really the only other way to use and get sugar out of the blood.
If you don't exercise, the sugar is stored in your cells as FAT.
It is actually triglycerides.
Here is a dead give away your heading for diabetes that your doctors don't understand and if they do they will never tell you.
I have NEVER, in thousands of patient visits, ever had a patient come in with their cholesterol profiles and know how to instantly lower their triglycerides.
Their doctors only told them to take a medication.
You can probably figure out why.
If your triglycerides are high you are a carbaholic (too much bread, pasta, donuts, etc..
That's it, nothing more complicated.
You are also on your way to diabetes The last two diabetics that I interviewed had almost the exact same diet, and it is typical for most Americans.
Sugar, sugar, and more sugar, anyway you slice it or drink it.
If you don't believe me and your are diabetic, test it at home with your test kit.
I had a patient do this and her sugars 2 hours after breakfast were 190.
The next morning she had leftover chicken, celery, and cottage cheese, and her sugars were 100 two hours after breakfast.
She became a believer too.
Type II diabetes is a choice.
You may not have ever received the knowledge to make good choices, but you have it now, use it wisely.
How would you like to see diabetes coming another way your doctor hasn't told you about.
It's called Insulin Resistance.
(Think dance club resistance) Remember before I told you that the body doesn't like the blood sugar too high, because it causes damage.
Well, the bodies cells don't like a ton of it either.
The body has an amazing ability to adapt to any stress, but there is a limit.
Think of a very popular New York night club on Saturday night.
Everyone wants to get in.
Once the club is packed body to body, they don't let any body else in.
If you keep giving the bouncer enough money, he can find a way to squeeze you in.
Once the cells are saturated with sugar they start closing the doors.
But hey the sugar outside the club has to go somewhere, so your body starts paying the bouncers in INSULIN.
When your pancreas throws out enough insulin the sugar gets in the club.
As time goes on the bodies bouncers get tougher and don't let sugar in very well.
Your cells are protecting themselves from the onslaught of sugar.
Now the CATCH-22 starts.
Your body is so good at protecting itself from the sugar the cells can actually be low on sugar on the inside.
So you feel hungry, don't have energy and now start eating more.
Now a terrible cycle starts.
Do you know what the primary food is recommended to diabetics? Yes, carbohydrates.
So if you are heading to the doctors to get your fasting glucose tested (this is normal for checking for diabetes) also have them check your fasting insulin.
They can do it, they just won't do it easily.
If the insulin is high, you are on your way to diabetes.
A few bonus items you can get with high insulin levels in your blood.
  1. fat (insulin tells your body to save, store, and retain fat.
  2. fluid retention
  3. high blood pressure
  4. plaque in the arteries.
    (When they were experimenting with insulin they were using dogs.
    They put an insulin drip in a dog and the lower half of the vessel where they put the drip in, was plaquing up.
A new meaning of a balanced diet.
Now if we go back to the basics, the ONLY thing to stimulate insulin (the fundamental problem in diabetes) is carbohydrates.
If you eat a steak, NO insulin needed.
When I did a lecture on diabetes I had a patient stand up and share her story.
She had diabetes, and went through my classes.
They taught her how to eat carbohydrates.
She never once, with their diet and medications, was able to get her morning sugars below 200.
After eating the way I told her and taking a few supplements, her morning sugars were below 200 for the first time.
Now if you are ever unfortunate enough to end up in a hospital and receive the "eat a balanced diet" recommendation, stop the doctor right there and ask them what that means.
One way to interpret that is to balance your carbohydrate intake with how much you use.
If you are a couch sloth then you should have very few carbs, at least below 70 grams a day.
If you are more active you can have more.
If it doesn't breathe or bleed it is a carbohydrate.
Fruits and veggies don't influence blood sugar in near the same way as simple carbohydrates like bread, pasta, muffins, donuts, rolls, straight sugar, etc.
You get the idea.
Those simple carbohydrates hit your system like a Mack truck.
4 extra problems to be aware of.
  1. Trans fats (Partially hydrogenated oils) are still rampant in processed foods.
    They place themselves into your cell membranes and interfer with the insulin receptors, and fuel insulin resistance.
  2. High fructose corn syrup.
    Found in almost every soda, and processed food and juice.
    It decreases the sensitivity of the bodies cells to insulin.
    It also doesn't trigger the bodies natural shut-off mechanisms in food and causes you to over-eat.
  3. Birth Control Pills- They directly cause insulin resistance.
    In the teeny tiny print on the information sheets it's buried in there.
    I used Orthro-tricycline for an example in class.
  4. Stress-Raises blood sugar for the fight or flight.
    If the blood sugar is up, then the insulin is up.
    Constant stress = constant stress on the pancreas.
Knowing what you know now, you can safely navigate the American Diabetes Website with wonderment.
If you look at the high priced food pyramid diagram the same recommendations for the average American are there.
Eat your 6-11 servings of carbohydrates, and get diabetes, make it worse and guarantee you'll never get off drugs.
The saddest examples I see are those so set in there ways, that going blind or losing their feet doesn't scare them.
They have to have toast in the morning because that's the way they have always done it.
You can change if you want to.
For some people medications are necessary.
And even if that is the case, following this advice can still make a world of difference.
There are even some amazing supplements that also help, but that is another story for another time.
If you are interested just leave a comment on our site.
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