Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 and 2 - Who Suffers?

Diabetes mellitus affects people of all age group.
most times, the type that affects children and young adults is different from the one that affects middle and old aged.
A better understanding of each type and which age group is vulnerable can help to understand the disorder better.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is also known as childhood onset diabetes mellitus.
This name suggests (clearly) that type 1 diabetes mellitus is an illness that starts at childhood age thus it affects children more.
Diabetes is an illness with no cure.
This means that when a child gets infected with it, he lives with it for the rest of his life.
This is why, today, you can see many adults suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus.
If you trace the origin of their illness, you will discover that it started when they were children or adolescents.
This does not mean that people don't suffer from type 1 diabetes from their adult age.
They do but it's less common.
On the other hand, type 2 diabetes mellitus usually starts at adult age.
That is why it also has the name adult onset diabetes mellitus.
It is also related to obesity thus also bears the name obesity related diabetes mellitus.
To show how related they are, an obese type 2 diabetic can effectively reduce the effect of his diabetes ailment by losing weight.
Children and adolescents also suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus.
It is found mostly among the obese ones.
The rate of the incident of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young ones has also been discovered to be on the increase.
This can be attributed to the increase in obesity and sedentary life style among children in recent time.
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