Health & Medical Diabetes

Wearing Diabetic Socks to Stay Healthy

Diabetes is a debilitating disease that occurs when one's body cannot produce enough insulin.
Type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, prevents one's body from producing enough insulin, or ignoring the insulin in the body.
Insulin is vital to processing sugars and carbohydrates in the body.
When one has diabetes, he or she must remain on a controlled, low-sugar diet and may have to take insulin injections to keep blood sugar levels in check.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form.
Many people have been diagnosed with this disease over the years, yet there are still many more people who have the disease but are unaware of diabetes symptoms.
There are those who are at a higher risk for developing diabetes, with factors such as genetics and diet playing a large role.
This type of diabetes is more prevalent in races such as Native Hawaiians, African Americans, and Latinos.
It is also more common in older people.
Insulin plays a vital role in breaking down the glucose sugars in the body that it uses for energy.
When one consumes foods such as sugars, starches, and carbohydrates, these turn into glucose.
Glucose provides the energy a body needs to run on, much like a car needs gasoline to go from point A to point B.
The chemical insulin then carries the sugars from one's blood into the cells.
If the insulin does not process properly and builds up in the cells instead, this can ultimately lead to diabetic complications.
One who suffers from either form of diabetes realizes this one disease can lead to a domino effect of other complications.
Foot ailments are one of the most common complaints and medical issues of most diabetics.
When one's body cannot break down the glucose, it raises the blood sugar in his or her body.
This can cause complications such as foot ulcers due to poor circulation, loss of feeling, and lengthy healing of wounds.
One can help these foot ailments by providing proper support of the feet.
This can be done by the use of diabetic socks.
These specially designed socks are one of the most convenient methods for keeping one's feet healthy and at a lower risk for such complications.
These socks are engineered to reduce moisture in the feet to prevent the risks of any infections or bacterial growths such as athlete's foot.
These socks are usually anti-microbial to give one added protection from these infections.
The use of the socks is a great way to encourage prevention so feet can stay healthy.
If one does not take the proper preventive measures, he or she may end up with foot sores and pain.
The socks also have a special elastic band that helps provide support in the arch of the foot while giving the right amount of compression to reduce the chances of swelling in the feet.
One must check for socks that fit snugly, yet are not too tight or confining.
If a sock is too tight, this will decrease the blood flow to the feet, which will defeat the purpose of wearing the socks and can lead to further issues.
Diabetic socks are made from cotton so they are much softer than regular socks that may consist of a blend of several synthetic materials.
These socks are more soft and hypoallergenic for most users.
The socks tend to be thicker than normal socks to give one extra padding, along with wider toe space.
These small modifications can help prevent even the smallest of aggravations which many times can lead to a new series of problems.
Made of cotton blends, diabetic socks are softer and more skin friendly than regular socks and are hypoallergenic and breathable.
They also tend to be thicker to provide added cushioning, and the toe space tends to be wider.
Such factors are important as even the slightest aggravation or discomfort can turn into a serious issue for those suffering from diabetes.
Many Americans suffer from this disease every year, however with proper diet and exercise and taking preventive measures such as wearing the proper footwear, one can live much more comfortably with this common disease.
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