Health & Medical: What Type of Diabetes Causes Gangrene?

What Type of Diabetes Causes Gangrene?

Gangrene is the decay and death of tissue that results from the interruption of blood flow to extremities. It often leads to amputation. Diabetes, Type I and Type II, is one of the leading risk factors of gangrene. The risk for gangrene occurs when two types of diabetic complications, neuropathy a

Health & Medical: Diabetes Reversed at Will!

Diabetes Reversed at Will!

A new useful study on diabetes has been done by the Researchers at the University of Florida who have been able to reverse diabetes in mice. What the researchers did was used a simple injection of immature cells, or stem cells, right below the skin, and the mice were able to regulate the amount of g

Health & Medical: Future of Diabetes in America

Future of Diabetes in America

Understanding the future of diabetes in America requires first gaining some basic knowledge regarding this medical condition. It occurs when an individual has high blood sugar levels, due to the body producing less than the necessary amount of insulin or because the cells do not respond to insulin.

Health & Medical: Planning Meals for Diabetics Doesn't Have to Be Hard

Planning Meals for Diabetics Doesn't Have to Be Hard

No, meal planning for diabetics doesn't have to be a hassle nor consume too much of your time. This article will instruct you about how to eat healthy as a diabetic while enjoying your food, instead of constantly feeling depraved.

Health & Medical: Educating Yourself About Reactive Hypoglycemia

Educating Yourself About Reactive Hypoglycemia

Reactive hypoglycemia is typically referred to as "low blood sugar." Reactive hypoglycemia frequently occurs in diabetics, but it can also occur in those who do not have diabetes.

Health & Medical: How to Reduce Glucose Levels

How to Reduce Glucose Levels

Glucose provides energy to the body's cells. When a person has elevated levels of this monosacharide sugar, the body will respond with symptoms of confusion, heart palpitations, dizziness and the shakes. In extreme cases a person may pass out or go into a coma. The body received glucose via diet

Health & Medical: Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With Herbal Remedies

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With Herbal Remedies

Many herbal remedies that have been scientifically documented that contain healing properties helping those suffering from diabetes. There are numerous natural remedies containing anti diabetic agents and are used for controlling type 2 diabetes. Despite the controversial disputes among the medical

Health & Medical: Rounded-Sole Shoes That Exercise You

Rounded-Sole Shoes That Exercise You

If you take a look at the shoes worn by people in public, you may notice some people wearing shoes with rounded soles. This style of shoe, most notably Shape-Ups by Skechers, Masai Barefoot Technology shoes and EasyTones by Reebok, is designed to help people who wear them lose weight and tone their

Health & Medical: Combating Diabetes And Its Complications

Combating Diabetes And Its Complications

If you have been diagnosed of suffering the said disease, it pays to consult your doctor for recommended actions before you keep in your home diabetes supplies.

Health & Medical: The Best Diabetic Diet Foods to Eat

The Best Diabetic Diet Foods to Eat

The best diabetic diet foods are the ones that a diabetic can feel good about eating, time and time again, because with every bite the diabetic person gets a little healthier. These super-foods do exist and diabetics can take advantage immediately of the healthy benefits these foods have to offer.

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - What To Think About When Choosing A Blood Sugar Meter!

Type 2 Diabetes - What To Think About When Choosing A Blood Sugar Meter!

For a diabetic, their blood glucose meter is pretty much their lifeline. It is, by far, the most valuable piece of equipment in their arsenal to help keep tabs on their disease. So having the right one is vitally important. This will give some insight on how to choose a blood sugar monitor.

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - Will Eating a Big Breakfast Help You Control Your Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes - Will Eating a Big Breakfast Help You Control Your Diabetes?

Breakfast is a meal many people skip or don't take too seriously - but having a substantial breakfast could be one key to controlling Type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in October 2013. The medical journal Obesity reported the results of a study in which 59 overweight or obese peop

Health & Medical: Diabetes Complications

Diabetes Complications

The article aims to provide information about complications of diabetes. There are mainly two types of complications found in diabetes they are short term and long term. Here we will discuss short term complications. The motive of this article is to educated people on various aspects & complications