Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Reversed at Will!

A new useful study on diabetes has been done by the Researchers at the University of Florida who have been able to reverse diabetes in mice.
What the researchers did was used a simple injection of immature cells, or stem cells, right below the skin, and the mice were able to regulate the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.
Cells were harvested from the pancreas that were in early stages of development and cultured in a laboratory until they developed islets of Langerhans.
Those cells were then put into a syringe.
This was then put and injected into the mice right below the skin.
Then the cells began to act like normal islets of Langerhans cells several days later, therefore, reversing diabetes.
Similar methods of reversing the diabetes have been used previously.
The methods that were used were similar for skin grafts and other similar procedures.
Only these stem cells became functional before being injected into the mice.
This study lasted for three months and it was found that the immune systems of the mice did not attack the stem cells.
Therefore, the researchers believe that growing cells in cultures circumvented the normal immune attack response.
But they could not determine how long it would last.
This research generated new hope for Type 1 Diabetes.
If researchers can reverse diabetes in mice by this simple procedure, then reversing diabetes in humans cannot be far away.
This study raises the possibilities that some day there might be a cure for Type 1 diabetes.
As we know,People with diabetes are not able to regulate the amounts of glucose in their bodies; therefore, these studies are very encouraging.
So, replicating the process with humans would mean something great for humanity.
These same researchers are now trying to replicate this procedure with human cells and the studies involving primates will begin soon.
The primate testing will give researchers a better idea of some of the potential problems with humans.
Diabetes is a big problem in the world.
According to an estimate, approximately three quarters of a million people suffer from Type 1 diabetes in the United States, and 5 to 10 percent of all diabetes cases in the United States are Type 1 diabetes.
There are many dangers associated with The Type 1 diabetes which can lead to fatal complications such as heart attacks, strokes and even blindness for these sufferers.
Finding a way of reversing diabetes in humans can prove to be a major breakthrough and longer lives for thousands of individuals.
A cure for diabetes found out through these methods would be a landmark in the history of medical science.
It would be great if the answers will be here sooner rather than later in our lifetime.
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