Health & Medical Diabetes

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With Herbal Remedies

There are many herbal remedies that have been scientifically documented that contain healing properties helping those suffering from diabetes.
There are numerous natural remedies containing anti diabetic agents and are used for controlling type 2 diabetes.
Despite the controversial disputes among the medical fraternity there has been sufficient evidence and clinical evidence to prove the efficacy of herbal medications in diabetic treatment.
Many diabetics have turned to herbal remedies as well as controlled diets as opposed to the conventional treatments.
There is no cure for diabetes but many herbal remedies help to maintain the blood sugar levels and Indian herbal remedies such as holy basil, fenugreek seeds, coccidian indicia and gymnema Silvestre have been used and have proven effective in the treatment of diabetes as these herbs contain hypoglycaemic agents.
Diabetogenic agents are pure natural products which do not cause any side effects and many people choose to use the alternative route when it comes to treating this disease.
Firstly this method of treatment is far less expensive as opposed to prescription drugs and long term usage has been known to reduce the need for diabetic treatment.
For instance Coccinia Indica has been scientifically proved that the herb lowers blood sugars just as effectively as prescribed drugs.
One can either eat the fruit or mix the powered leaves with milk.
The powdered leaves of Holy Basil are known for its natural anti inflammatory properties and well as anti oxidant properties.
It has also been proved scientifically that this herb lowers blood sugar levels.
Another anti diabetic agent is fenugreek seed which are taken in capsule form and then the Gymnema Silvestre which is very similar to saccharose is used as an alternative to reduce sugar cravings as well as lowers the blood sugars in diabetic patients.
The leaves of this plant are chewed or powdered and drunk with milk.
In Hindu the plant is called Gur-mar which literally means sugar destroyer.
Before taking herbal remedies one should always consult your diabetes doctor or medical practitioner for advice and especially if you are already on conventional medications such as insulin or oral medications.
People that suffer from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus who have focused determination, good communication and very controlled blood sugar levels may find that herbal alternatives will work for them.
Type 2 Diabetics have the potential to have controlled blood sugar levels by using alternative medications as well as maintaining a well balanced diet and do plenty of exercise and are monitored by their diabetes doctor or medical practitioner.
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