Health & Medical Diabetes

Planning Meals for Diabetics Doesn"t Have to Be Hard

Keeping the glycemic index of everything you eat is the way for controlling diabetes.
But there is always the struggle with staying on track and resisting the cravings with all the people around you eating whatever they please.
To avoid the temptation, there must be a plan.
This plan needs to achieve 3 things: 1.
It must contain meals with low glycemic index.
These meals must be easy to cook.
It should prevent cravings.
Lower That Glycemic Index There is still a lot of foods that are diabetic friendly: this would be a simple list.
Some of them can be eaten, though in smaller quantities.
Of course, if you load yourself with too many eggs, your cholesterol will go to the stars, or if you eat too many nuts, you might end up with weight gain: the following list is made regarding the impact on your blood sugar.
Looser guidelines are often recommended: but if you want to make it easier for your body, you won't push it to handle that many carbs at all.
  • EAT DELIBERATELY: all vegetables except starchy vegetables (this is our nutrition staple); meat; fish; eggs; mushrooms; herbs and spices; avocado.
  • EAT IN MODERATION: cooked whole grains (but not whole grain breads or other grain products: the difference in GI is just 1% compared to white bread); pulses; nuts, seeds.
  • EAT IN SMALL QUANTITIES: berries, lemon, grapefruit, and other low GI fruits; potato (with peel only), sweet potato and other starchy tubers; pasta; dairy; dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa).
In simple terms: eliminate baked goods and grain products, sweets, processed foods with high GI, sugary fruits, and watch the portion size when eating dairy and anything starchy.
Easy to Prepare An easy way is to fill half or more of your plate with cooked vegetables, up to one quarter with protein (either animal or plant protein) and up to one quarter with carbs - cooked whole grains or pulses, maybe some pasta occasionally.
If you want to go a step further, you might increase the vegetables and reduce the carbs.
It is good to have fiber, protein and fat in your meal together as this slows the digestion down and keeps the blood sugar stable.
This is healthy, easy to cook, and you don't have to think much.
You only need to rotate your veggies, carbs and proteins, using anything you want from the list given above.
One can prepare large quantities ahead of time and different combinations of various foods in the listed groups, different spices and ways of preparation can create myriads of meals.
This also makes your job easier if you cook for other members of your family who eat differently.
Stop Cravings Before They Happen
  • Always add flavor into your meals.
    Experiment with various herbs and spices.
    Use different cooking techniques.
    Rotate the foods that you eat: there are so many vegetables and other foods to choose from.
    Make pesto, dips and chutneys for added variety and taste.
  • Consume enough fat to achieve satiety.
    Carbs and fat have the "reward" effects in your brain; fats give you the feeling of fullness.
    It will be very hard if you are trying to reduce both.
    If you have high cholesterol, focus on nuts, seeds, avocado, cold-pressed olive oil and fish.
    Don't eat just plain vegetables.
    Vegetables call for a little oil to improve the taste, that's why we add it into salads.
  • Eat small meals, more often.
    Very often, if you have a carb craving, chances are your blood glucose has dropped low so your brain (which uses glucose as fuel) wants some sugar immediately, and this translates into a craving.
    Prevent this by eating 5-6 times a day, or have 3 bigger meals and 2 snacks in between them.
    Nuts and seeds are a great snack for everybody, and especially so for diabetics.
    Always take a small package with you when on the run.
    A salad with chicken or some plain yogurt is also a good idea.
  • Finally, have fun and satisfy the sweet tooth.
    Reward yourself sometimes.
    Diabetics can make use of many recipes online that feature treats with low GI.
    Even a yummy cheesecake, pancakes, lasagna or pizza can have low GI.
    Planning meals for diabetics does not mean to eat grass.
    You are the one in control and if you bring some imagination in, you can enjoy your meals more than you ever did before!
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