Family & Relationships: The Magic of Making Up Quickly

The Magic of Making Up Quickly

Resist the urge to call him too much at this time. Sending him pathetic emails and text messages will send him further; you need to get to the root of the problem. Giving him the sad stories will not help, at this time a man with never be sympathetic towards you - this is certainly not the way to ge

Family & Relationships: When Is It Cheating?

When Is It Cheating?

Can you understand the difference between cheating and flirting? I might be confused on the difference, but hopefully some of you could clear this situation for me. One thing that we can all agree on is that once we get caught with a guilty look on our faces, we know it is cheating.

Family & Relationships: How to Break Up With a Boyfriend the Right Way

How to Break Up With a Boyfriend the Right Way

Is your relationship going nowhere? Is your boyfriend not right for you anymore? Don't know how to break up with a boyfriend and not have to face the endless emotional drama that will follow even though you know it has to end?

Family & Relationships: 5 Tips for Dealing with a Broken Relationship

5 Tips for Dealing with a Broken Relationship

When problems begin to arise, your relationship can quickly turn into an anxiety-inducer that prevents you from enjoying your lives together.How you handle the difficult times directly influences your ability to maintain a long-term, healthy relationship.Here are some tips for managing a broken rela

Family & Relationships: How to Save a Marriage - Where to Start

How to Save a Marriage - Where to Start

First off, when you've reached the point of actually searching for information on how to save a marriage, you're probably feeling pretty lost, desperate, scared and alone.Let me assure you, you're not alone! More than half of all marriages end in divorce. That's a sad, depressing

Family & Relationships: Conflict Resolution Training: It's Better To Ask Permission Than Forgiveness

Conflict Resolution Training: It's Better To Ask Permission Than Forgiveness

There is an old saying that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission, the idea being that if we wait for permission, we may hear "no," but if we just do what we believe to be best and then ask for forgiveness for doing so, we're more likely to get our way. The old saying is wro

Family & Relationships: How to Get Your IRS Offset Back

How to Get Your IRS Offset Back

Taxpayers who lose a portion or all of their tax return to an Internal Revenue Service offset may be able to recover their offset funds. When a taxpayer owes an outstanding state or federal debt, the Internal Revenue Service can withhold his tax return to cover the outstanding obligation. A taxpayer

Family & Relationships: Getting Your Ex Back - Find Out the Foolproof Strategies of Getting an Ex Back

Getting Your Ex Back - Find Out the Foolproof Strategies of Getting an Ex Back

The very first advice I would give you if you are going through the painful breakup period is to get a hold of yourself and avoid going in depression at all costs if you want to get back your ex. In depression, one tends to act without thinking rationally and end up doing thing that will end up push