Family & Relationships: Get Back Your Boyfriend - Here's How

Get Back Your Boyfriend - Here's How

"That was my man! The one I was waiting for all my life! I was happy, happy with my life once again and I don't know what went wrong! An ugly squabble and it was all over..." - If this is your thought process right now, after you broke up with your boyfriend and you just don't kn

Family & Relationships: Invalidation - The Abused Childs Greatest Pain

Invalidation - The Abused Childs Greatest Pain

To be validated as a child is highly important in creating a functional and psychologically healthy adult. When this validation is not received and a child is invalidated, it can lead to all kinds of ...

Family & Relationships: The No Contact Rule After a Breakup

The No Contact Rule After a Breakup

Breaking up with someone is a difficult and emotional trying time. While at times there is hope for reconciliation, this is not always an option. When someone is struggling with a break up, and there is no hope for reconciliation, then the no contact rule may be their only chance to recover emotiona

Family & Relationships: 5 Ways to Get Over a Break Up Fast!

5 Ways to Get Over a Break Up Fast!

If you are in desperate need to get over a break up fast then there are five things you must do to expedite the process. Provided you're clear in your own mind that you don't want to get back with your ex or there are circumstances which will prevent you from doing this, then we give you s

Family & Relationships: How to Fight the Undead on "Ninja Warz" for Facebook

How to Fight the Undead on "Ninja Warz" for Facebook

In the game "Ninja Warz" for Facebook, not only do you get to fight ninjas, you get to fight undead zombies -- assuming you are willing to work hard enough to earn the latter opportunity. Initially, you are only allowed to fight ninjas, but as you progress in the game, you get to take part in specia

Family & Relationships: How to Stop a Divorce Once You Are Separated - These Steps Are Crucial

How to Stop a Divorce Once You Are Separated - These Steps Are Crucial

If you found this article, then you are probably already asking yourself how to stop a divorce once you are separated. It is a very stressful and trying period for someone when a marriage breaks down to a point where a separation has occurred. The good news is if you want to salvage your marriage, t

Family & Relationships: How to Repair a Relationship Without Talking

How to Repair a Relationship Without Talking

A relationship can turn ugly if you are not careful. In the midst of a fight, words can be thrown out that are truly hurtful to the other person. Sometimes, the best way to handle conflict and repair a relationship is to remain quiet. This gives you a chance to cool off so that you can deal with the

Family & Relationships: Use These and Make Your Ex Chase You Around Like Crazy! Don't Miss This at All

Use These and Make Your Ex Chase You Around Like Crazy! Don't Miss This at All

If, after your breakup, you are doing all the running after your ex in order to win him/her back then you could simply be wasting your breath and are sure to face disappointment. Instead, why not make your ex crazy for you and bask in the pleasure of watching him/her make desperate moves to win you

Family & Relationships: How Do You Get Your Ex Back?

How Do You Get Your Ex Back?

A typical situation: you break up with your lover, both of you are filled with regret and sadness. You cannot help but feel that something incredibly happy has just ended. Soon, you start pining for the person you were once with. It's a common case of wanting your ex back, and as improbable as

Family & Relationships: Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Fast Using 3 Sneaky Techniques!

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Fast Using 3 Sneaky Techniques!

If your relationship is on the rocks, or you have already broken up with your girlfriend, then it can be quite a hard task to try and save your relationship. It can be very worrying that if you say the wrong thing or make the wrong move, then you will lose your loved one for good.More often than not

Family & Relationships: Getting Rid of Toxic Friends

Getting Rid of Toxic Friends

Do you have friends who never stop whining about everything? Who always get to see your wrongs? Worse, do you have friends who make you feel so bad or commit deeds you really want to do in the first place?

Family & Relationships: 10 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating

10 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating

Use these signs to find out if you have a cheating girlfriendcouple-playing image by from Fotolia.comFiguring out if your girlfriend is cheating on you can be an emotional roller coaster. Trying to read signs and analyze everything she does is exhausting. If you notice...

Family & Relationships: 7 Steps on How to Save a Relationship - Eric Coggins

7 Steps on How to Save a Relationship - Eric Coggins

If you are in a struggling relationship, this article presents seven steps on how to save a relationship; more specifically on how to save your marriage or save your boyfriend girlfriend relationship.

Family & Relationships: Win Husband Back – is it Possible

Win Husband Back – is it Possible

How to win husband back? So you have broken up with your husband but the fact remains that you still love your husband dearly and really hopes to get him back together with you.