Business & Finance: BS Biology Degree Jobs

BS Biology Degree Jobs

Explore Bachelors of Science in biology careers.tubes de chimie image by Danielle Bonardelle from Fotolia.comCompleting a Bachelor of Science degree in biology allows graduates to work in different environments, according to an August 2010 University of Michigan Flint article. Biology...

Business & Finance: 2009 Military Retirement Pay Charts

2009 Military Retirement Pay Charts

Active Duty military personnel can retire after 20 years of active duty service. Here is the paychart which shows monthly retirement pay for active duty warrant officers who retire during 2009.

Business & Finance: How to Make Money by Means of Your Blogs

How to Make Money by Means of Your Blogs

As the Internet has become mainstream, many can't help but ask how to make money online. There are lots of ways for one to do so. One particular can reap the benefits of the World ...

Business & Finance: Update Your References

Update Your References

Who do you have on your reference list? Is it your babysitter from when you were five? Or someone you spoke with last week? Ensure your references are the most positive they can be so you can land that job.

Business & Finance: Importance of Personnel Policies

Importance of Personnel Policies

The development of personnel policies is the responsibility of the human resources department. However, along with the help of management staff, HR representatives enforce policies and procedures. Following state and federal law, personnel policies protect the rights of employers as well as employee

Business & Finance: How to Write Better Employee Self-Assessment Evaluations

How to Write Better Employee Self-Assessment Evaluations

Evaluating your own performance may be one of the most difficult tasks you encounter. Understandably, you might worry about coming across as too self-assured or too modest by not tooting your own horn loud enough. Your employer has given you an opportunity to compose a self-assessment, which means y

Business & Finance: Fish Farming Tips

Fish Farming Tips

Fish farming, or aquaculture, is the practice of raising fish in order to sell them later on. In aquaculture, the fish live in controlled tanks or ponds. Typically, fish farmers raise fish that are in demand, such as salmon, cod or catfish. Regular maintenance is crucial in order to...

Business & Finance: Career Advancement - Here's an "Instant" Solution

Career Advancement - Here's an "Instant" Solution

In society today we are bombarded by magic solutions to everyday life's problems. Every life problem is solved on TV in 30 minutes or in one hour chunks of time. Instant millionaires, instant weight loss, instant dating programs for that important someone. Instant solutions are touted for every

Business & Finance: Entry Level Career Objectives

Entry Level Career Objectives

All entry level employees should have career image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.comAccording to the Merriam-Webster website, an objective is "something toward which effort is directed: an aim, goal, or end of action." New entry-level employees should try to remain focused...

Business & Finance: List of Social Work Skills

List of Social Work Skills

List of social work skills for resumes, cover letters and interviews, plus lists of more skills and keywords for job applications.

Business & Finance: How to Work Smart And Have Money Work For You

How to Work Smart And Have Money Work For You

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know you can't be successful without the help of other people. Whether your success story was built upon the direct help of people you asked to help or through the people who purchased your product or services, the bottom line is these people help

Business & Finance: How to Create Employee Policies

How to Create Employee Policies

Employee policies and workplace policies are sometimes used interchangeably in discussions about rules, procedures and processes that affect your work force. These policies explain company expectations and provide a framework that protects company assets. Workplace policies support the performance m

Business & Finance: The Average Salary of an Online Staff Writer

The Average Salary of an Online Staff Writer

With the growth in the demand for Internet and mobile device content, online staff writers work in virtually every industry, including traditional news and information media, public relations and advertising agencies, non-profit associations and corporations. In addition to producing clear, accurate

Business & Finance: Push V Pull - Why Goal Setting Isn't Always the Answer

Push V Pull - Why Goal Setting Isn't Always the Answer

The coaching world for many years has been dominated by the language of goals and goal-setting.But not everyone relates to this language, in fact some people are completely alienated.What's going on and what might be done about it?

Business & Finance: Some Important Facts About CNA Training In Arkansas

Some Important Facts About CNA Training In Arkansas

In order to have a properly functioning medical facility, there is need to have all the required personnel available at the institution. These include the doctors, nurses and the certified nursing assistants without forgetting other ...

Business & Finance: Some Tips On Preparing For Great Jobs

Some Tips On Preparing For Great Jobs

In order to have the good things in life, a person must have money, and being employed can bring about the desired results. People who are able to work, and want a job, should be employed. There are plenty of jobs out there, if you know where to look, and what to do to get them. Here are some tips o

Business & Finance: How to Become a Software Engineer

How to Become a Software Engineer

Computers are the future. No matter how bleak the job market might seem, there are always opportunities for software engineers because it is such a fast-growing field. If you love computers and would like to get paid for what you love, here's a primer on how to become a professional software engin