Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Develop the Right Attitude When You"re Unemployed

Everyone attending the job search seminar had printed their names on the blank nametags in front of them.
Everyone, that is, with the exception of the job hunter who wrote "unemployed" on his tag.
The attendee sitting next to him turned and said, "If you think you're unemployed you will be.
" That's why it's essential to develop the right attitude when you're unemployed.
Changing your attitude can change your situation.
This event reminded me of all the mornings I spent, each Wednesday, standing in line at the New York State Unemployment Office in lower Manhattan to file for weekly unemployment benefits.
The whole morning was wasted.
Of course collecting unemployment is a lot faster today because it's done by phone.
At any rate, it was my routine, after leaving the unemployment office, to have lunch at a Chinese restaurant nearby.
It overlooked the unemployment office.
As I was eating lunch there one day, I kept noticing the sign in front of the building I had just left that read: "Unemployment Office.
" The word "unemployment" kept repeating itself in my mind uninterruptedly, reinforcing the sad fact that I was unemployed, out of work, on the beach.
And maybe even washed up.
Then I thought how much the hours spend collecting unemployment checks only reinforced the concept of unemployment and identifying myself as an unemployed person.
The next thought that came to mind was, ah but I do have work.
After losing my job as a radio disc jockey on the old WKTU in New York City, I was still left with a part of my career as a freelance voice over actor and commercials spokesperson.
That in itself can be my full time job, I reasoned, and decided then and there to devote my energies full time to this work.
So the time I had been spending to collect unemployment were now devoted to marketing my services and generating more freelance voice over work.
As I devoted all efforts to my freelance business and considered myself a full time freelancer, income increased and more than made up for the unemployment benefits I voluntarily gave up.
So what's my purpose in relating this story? Certainly not to discourage you from collecting unemployment benefits.
You've paid into it all these years and deserve to collect.
My purpose is to suggest you develop that state of mind that says even though you're old job has ended, you are still employed in the full time job of finding a job.
Let this be your freelance job for five hours a day every weekday until you've landed.
You need to change your attitude before your job search commences.
Changing your attitude entails never considering yourself as an unemployed person who waits for benefits to run out before beginning a job finding campaign.
This reinforces the concept of being out of work and contributes to having the mentality of a loser.
                                     You need to consider yourself already employed in the full time job of finding a job.
That's having the mentality of a winner.
  Your job search gives you plenty of opportunity to work at writing a resume, networking, attending job fairs, and targeting those companies with whom you'd like to make a contribution.
While unemployment is also a state of mind, you can change your mind which can change your circumstances.
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