Are You Suffering From Job Stress Burnout? Are You Fed Up With Advice On How To Manage Stress At Work And Deal With Burnout In The Workplace? How About Not Coping With Stress And Instead Do Something About It Once And For All? I suffered from stress burnout at work so I know exactly how you may feel and I know it doesn't feel good.
You're not alone.
Did you know that over 60% of Americans hate their jobs.
Fortunately, the best thing about a problem is it's solution.
Here's A 3 Step Process To Empower You To Stop Coping With Stress And Start Thriving In Your Life! #1 Know The Exact Causes Of Your Job Stress Burnout Being dissatisfied with the type of work you do, the environment, the commute and traffic, or dealing with a micro-manager and low pay are enough to cause job stress for anyone.
And these are just the external circumstances.
What I've realized is that job stress burnout or more so burnout has more to do with how you're affected internally and physically.
I was burnt out at my old job because it wasn't fulfilling for me anymore.
I started losing sleep- sometimes severe insomnia.
I was irritable and my eating habits changed.
I thought it was a hormone or thyroid issue then my doctor said all of my blood work was perfect.
She gave me samples of Ambien which I never took and said it may be job stress depression.
A hormone issue was fine with me because I didn't want it to be stress burnout.
I had to wake up and realized that being stimulated mentally and learning new things are required for me to feel satisfied in my work.
The same hum drum monotony day in and day out wasn't for me.
I really wanted to experience more and receive more personal growth from investing over 40 hours of my time every week.
You see, once you know the exact causes of your burnout, you can move towards knowing what you really want.
#2 Create Solutions To End Your Stress Burnout Most of the time when you ask for advice, you already know the answer.
You're just looking for confirmation and inspiration.
You know if you really want to keep your job and continue coping with job stress or transfer to another department, location, or quit.
You know if you'd rather find a new job in your field, choose another profession or start your own business.
Listen to your intuition, trust yourself to make a choice that's best for you, and put your plan into action.
#3 Choose To Live Life On Your Terms With Leveraged Entrepreneurship Remember, when it comes to job stress burnout, over 60% of Americans hate their jobs.
On the other hand over 85% of entrepreneurs are happy and fulfilled in what they do.
Creating wealth from the comfort of your home can be so fulfilling and rewarding in the areas of financial independence, personal growth, and a great social life due to all your new supportive relationships.
A job pays you what the job is worth, not what you're worth.
If you want to get paid what you're worth and live life on your terms, entrepreneurship may be the best solution for your stress burnout.
You're not alone.
Did you know that over 60% of Americans hate their jobs.
Fortunately, the best thing about a problem is it's solution.
Here's A 3 Step Process To Empower You To Stop Coping With Stress And Start Thriving In Your Life! #1 Know The Exact Causes Of Your Job Stress Burnout Being dissatisfied with the type of work you do, the environment, the commute and traffic, or dealing with a micro-manager and low pay are enough to cause job stress for anyone.
And these are just the external circumstances.
What I've realized is that job stress burnout or more so burnout has more to do with how you're affected internally and physically.
I was burnt out at my old job because it wasn't fulfilling for me anymore.
I started losing sleep- sometimes severe insomnia.
I was irritable and my eating habits changed.
I thought it was a hormone or thyroid issue then my doctor said all of my blood work was perfect.
She gave me samples of Ambien which I never took and said it may be job stress depression.
A hormone issue was fine with me because I didn't want it to be stress burnout.
I had to wake up and realized that being stimulated mentally and learning new things are required for me to feel satisfied in my work.
The same hum drum monotony day in and day out wasn't for me.
I really wanted to experience more and receive more personal growth from investing over 40 hours of my time every week.
You see, once you know the exact causes of your burnout, you can move towards knowing what you really want.
#2 Create Solutions To End Your Stress Burnout Most of the time when you ask for advice, you already know the answer.
You're just looking for confirmation and inspiration.
You know if you really want to keep your job and continue coping with job stress or transfer to another department, location, or quit.
You know if you'd rather find a new job in your field, choose another profession or start your own business.
Listen to your intuition, trust yourself to make a choice that's best for you, and put your plan into action.
#3 Choose To Live Life On Your Terms With Leveraged Entrepreneurship Remember, when it comes to job stress burnout, over 60% of Americans hate their jobs.
On the other hand over 85% of entrepreneurs are happy and fulfilled in what they do.
Creating wealth from the comfort of your home can be so fulfilling and rewarding in the areas of financial independence, personal growth, and a great social life due to all your new supportive relationships.
A job pays you what the job is worth, not what you're worth.
If you want to get paid what you're worth and live life on your terms, entrepreneurship may be the best solution for your stress burnout.