- 1). Choose a sheet of paper that is big enough that you won't lose it. In other words, don't use a Post-it or an old envelope. Goal-setting is a worthy enough goal in itself, and what you write your goals on will determine your resoluteness. Keep that sheet in a place where you can refer to it often. Goals are intentions, and intentions are only as good as the frequency with which they are actioned.
- 2). Begin by writing in big letters at the top of the sheet exactly what it is you want to accomplish. Is it earning an amount of money by a certain date? Or saving for a trip in six months? Perhaps you want to lose 10 pounds by Valentine's day. The end result is always determined by the title on the top of your sheet.
- 3). Use a number system for your goals, with number 1 being the most urgent. Make it the goal most likely to see results in the near future. It's easier to adhere to goals if you can see a payoff in some small way, right away. If your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date, make your first goal not only to research which fitness program will suit your needs, but also to actually sign up for your first class.
- 4). Be specific. If your goal is to own a little home by the sea, ask yourself, what sea? How big is little? How many rooms would you like your home to have? Will you want a turret or a sun room? Will it be on the beach or within walking distance? Decide if you'll be using a real estate agent or hiring an architect to execute your vision. The more detail you can provide to your goal, the better.
- 5). Add a time line. If you feel your goal to own a home by the sea must be accomplished within the next 10 years, break down the major goal into actionable, doable pieces that will keep you motivated. Make it a goal to put aside a certain dollar amount each year in a non-redeemable investment.
- 6). Stay positive. This is your future you're planning, and the fact that you're writing goals in the first place means you want to change your current circumstances. Keep the language you use when writing your goals upbeat.