Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Career Advancement - Here"s an "Instant" Solution

In society today we are bombarded by magic solutions to everyday life's problems.
Every life problem is solved on TV in 30 minutes or in one hour chunks of time.
Instant millionaires, instant weight loss, instant dating programs for that important someone.
Instant solutions are touted for everything important in life.
How about instant career success? Just press the magic button and you're an instant leader or executive.
Most careers are not built that way.
They take hard work, study and dedication to your craft.
Being a good teammate and working effectively with others also helps get you to the top of your career.
In looking around and examining the "instant" solutions, to make them really work all require study, dedication and time.
All require plenty of time to develop and build the solutions into a daily routine and habit.
However, there is one "instant" solution that works every time it's tried.
You don't need any special education.
You don't have to attend a high priced career advancement seminar.
It really won't take a long time to learn and you don't need to buy any special equipment.
What is it? It's simple and straight forward.
Show up and show up a lot.
You ask how could something so simple produce an advance in my leadership skills and ultimately in my career? If you only show up to report bad news, the people who work for you will only become self-protective when you appear.
In that kind of environment communication is forced and difficult.
On the other hand if you show up a lot your showing up is normal and communication can happen.
When you show up you learn more about your people.
The real world is not formal reports or carefully rehearsed briefings.
Dry reports and computer generated data will not get the job done.
As you see people in action you will better understand their jobs, their frustrations and their successes.
Show up and you'll see first hand about what is working and what is not.
Moreover, show up a lot so your people can learn about you and your management style.
One of the best examples of great leadership was the principal of our local high school.
He carefully crafted, over the summer, a series of messages from the 30 second sound bite, to the one hour lecture regarding the schools mission over the coming school year.
He kept to his core beliefs in delivering a superior education but each year he added variations to enhance the educational experience.
He was out and about all the time delivering his message.
From talking to a small group of students in the library to giving a pep talk to the girls swim team.
His leadership skills were apparent as demonstrated by the areas best known high school choir, to superior sports teams, to the number of merit scholars all benefited from him "showing up.
" By showing up he never neglected to tell students and teachers and parents what's important.
His carefully crafted messages to the staff and students were replete with examples on their important roles in achieving the superior educational experience.
Show up a lot so you can tell people what's important.
Show up a lot and you get more chances to share those important messages.
As you show up a lot you can make those daily small corrections.
As a leader you life will be easier, you'll sooner get the results planned if you can make lots of small course corrections instead of a few big course corrections.
Show up a lot and you'll have more chances to make things right.
Now you ask how much is "a lot?" Probably the best answer is more than you're doing now.
An executive in a large distribution center tried to walk through the building at least once a day and observe and talk to the employees.
In checking his schedule, he found he was only "showing up" about 2 or 3 times a week.
He made it a priority to do two random walk thrus every day.
He set aside enough time to stay and watch and listen to the employees and to communicate.
He made it a point to learn more about each employee, to coach, to encourage and to lead by example.
He didn't expect instant trust, but in a very short time he started seeing the benefits of his leadership change.
Moreover, the supervisors under him started emulating his style with additional beneficial results.
The concept of "showing up" is an easy one to grasp.
However, to be effective you have to turn it into a habit.
Habits take time, at least three weeks or longer.
If you have a message to convey think it through and try it out.
With effort and attention, like taking notes of promises made or questions asked and getting the answers back as promised will require effort and concentration.
You may, in the beginning have to schedule your "show up" time.
For example in a more than 8 hour operation when was the last time you showed up unannounced at 10pm or 4am? This career enhancing tip won't help you lose weight or turn you into an overnight millionaire but it is an "instant" solution that will make you into a better leader and manager.
Try it, it works.
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