Business & Finance: Particle Injection Program For A Fluid Bed Dryer

Particle Injection Program For A Fluid Bed Dryer

A particle injection system for a fluid bed dryer consists of an item injection tube inserted into a solution containing fluid mattress chamber of the dryer for injecting particulate material within a fluidized stream into the chamber in

Business & Finance: The Percent Needed to Pass the NCLEX

The Percent Needed to Pass the NCLEX

You can ask this question on every Internet search engine invented and you are not going to find the answer you want - one along the lines of "75%." This is because the NCLEX RN and PN exams are unique for every candidate. Developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the NCLEX®

Business & Finance: Media Job Seekers Require a Good Degree

Media Job Seekers Require a Good Degree

People applying for new media jobs will have the edge over other candidates with a good university degree. Research by the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR) revealed that 78 per cent of employers now insist on a minimum 2.1 degree as an increasing number of university leavers compete for a di

Business & Finance: Aviation Dispatcher Training

Aviation Dispatcher Training

The National Airspace System is the network that ensures the safe operation of commercial and private aircraft. Aviation dispatchers, professionally known as air traffic controllers (ATCs), work within the network to coordinate the safe and efficient movement of air traffic. ATCs are regulated by

Business & Finance: The Best Way to Become a Personal Trainer

The Best Way to Become a Personal Trainer

Becoming an effective personal trainer starts with having quality education and obtaining professional certifications. The "best" way to become a personal trainer entirely depends on have you define this term. Some people may be looking for the quickest way to become a personal fitness trainer to be

Business & Finance: How to Improve Nonverbal Gestures

How to Improve Nonverbal Gestures

Nonverbal gestures usually communicate more than a speaker realizes. Most of our understanding comes from nonverbal communication. The same phrase said with two different facial expressions could communicate serious intensity or sarcastic humor. A fist or an open hand are two nonverbal gestures that

Business & Finance: How to Organize a Job Interview

How to Organize a Job Interview

It is not only the candidate who should organize and prep for the interview -- you need to be well-prepared too. According to the Bureau of Human Resources, structured interviews are twice as effective in predicting how well an employee will do for you. A structured interview, unlike a free-flowing

Business & Finance: Graduate Environmental Careers

Graduate Environmental Careers

Consumers are looking for more environmentally-responsible products, and this changing market signals growth in the environmental field.eolienne image by berdoulat jerome from Fotolia.comGraduates have a number of exciting options for starting a career in the environmental field. Getting...

Business & Finance: The Education Required For Business Human Resources in Canada

The Education Required For Business Human Resources in Canada

A four-year bachelor's degree is necessary for aspiring HR professionals.graduation image by timur1970 from Fotolia.comAlthough human resources isn't a regulated profession requiring certification in Canada, most recruiters have an ideal educational background in mind when screening...

Business & Finance: When Must the Employer Notify an Employee for FMLA?

When Must the Employer Notify an Employee for FMLA?

Both employers and employees have rights and responsibilities concerning the Family Medical Leave Act. The Family Medical Leave Act was enacted in 1993 as a means of supporting employees needing family leave or who suffer from an illness themselves or have a close family member who is ill and needs

Business & Finance: Unemployment Overview

Unemployment Overview

This article gives an overview of unemployment. It includes a brief history, and discusses the impact of unemployment.

Business & Finance: Utah's Workplace Break Rules

Utah's Workplace Break Rules

Many of the states' employment laws mirror federal regulations. Laws ranging from fair employment practices to tests for determining exempt and nonexempt workers are often similar, if not identical, between states and the federal government. Utah's labor and employee regulations are virtually the sa

Business & Finance: How to Use Your Computer As a Surveillance Device

How to Use Your Computer As a Surveillance Device

Computer surveillance devices are used to protect and monitor assets as well as people. Computers can be easily converted into surveillance devices that review video, audio and keystroke history. Installing software and mounting equipment are the initial steps after determining what system to employ

Business & Finance: How to Track Phone Conversations

How to Track Phone Conversations

Telecommunications are part of our daily lives. Millions of conversations take place on a daily basis. People seal business deals, make purchases, report crime and make social calls using phones. However, there are times when the need to track phone conversations arises. Depending on the nature of t

Business & Finance: Leadership Training for Spanish Speaking Supervisors

Leadership Training for Spanish Speaking Supervisors

When it comes to leadership skills training, Spanish-speaking supervisors and team leaders are often left behind. In most cases, the organization will set aside a budget that is dedicated to the development and growth of their middle and senior management.