1Record business calls to judge on quality performance of a sales trainee or document a customer's complaint. According to The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press-RCFP, the federal law allows for a conversation to be recorded if there is a one party consent. For courtesy, you may have a pre-recorded statement to inform a caller that the conversation is being recorded.
Keep track of the calls made to your home line by attaching a recording device to it. The ePanorama website advices that a telephone recording adapter can be bought from a local store. Follow the manual instructions on how you connect the recording adapter to fix it to your home telephone device. Keep in mind what the federal and state law says about recording a telephone conversation. The RCFP gives names of 12 states in America which require the consent of all the parties of a conversation for any phone recording to be legal. However, there are exemptions where calls of criminal nature can be recorded without the second party's consent.
Use an inbuilt mobile recorder to record a conversation. This comes in handy especially when you are not in a position to connect a separate recording device. Ensure that your mobile phone has this feature to be able to use this method. You can get this information when purchasing a mobile phone. Refer to the manual on how to use a recorder during a phone conversation.
The advantage of this method is that you can record a conversation giving you instructions such as directions while not having to jot it down or memorize the information. Also, you save time by not making the person on the other end keep on repeating instructions.
Switch the phone to the speaker mode so as to record. Use a separate voice recorder to record the conversation. The disadvantage of this method is that the recorder may pick up noise from the surrounding area. The quality of the recording may not be good and the details of the conversation may be heard by other people close by.