There are many home game testing jobs available, but the problem is that they are hard to find, and the reason is quite simple – video game companies don't add game testing jobs to typical job listings. You are the one who has to introduce yourself to the company.
Before getting started there are some tips I want to give and to help you decide if home game testing is right for you.
You need to have a genuine interest in video games, it's the best if you're a frequent player. But don't get me wrong here, it might sound like you're getting paid to have fun, but truth is that sometimes it may not be fun at all, especially when it takes hours of playing.
The goal of game testing jobs at home is to find glitches and bugs in game, this means that you can't just have fun and play the game through, but you have to try out every single feature of the game, play with all characters and often play it multiple times. This means it can take many hours to complete just one assignment.
Another thing that you should keep in mind is that you have a deadline, and if you miss it, then you will not get another assignment. This can be easily avoided by planning your time effectively. It's easier if it's your full-time job.
Home game testing job can be full-time job, but it will take some time before you can get this far, you will need to make yourself known to the companies. If companies liked your previous results then you will get another assignment. But this is really the part when many new game testers get stuck.
There is no special formula on becoming a valuable tester to the company, all you have to do is write clean and informative reports and never be late. In this way company will reward you with paychecks and sometimes if the the game you tested is finished they might send you a copy of game earlier than it's available on stores.
So this was a brief overview of home game testing jobs. If you're really interested in gaming and you think you can keep up with deadlines, then I highly recommend you this job – it's a dream job for a gamer.
Want to Get Started ? ==> Click Here
Before getting started there are some tips I want to give and to help you decide if home game testing is right for you.
You need to have a genuine interest in video games, it's the best if you're a frequent player. But don't get me wrong here, it might sound like you're getting paid to have fun, but truth is that sometimes it may not be fun at all, especially when it takes hours of playing.
The goal of game testing jobs at home is to find glitches and bugs in game, this means that you can't just have fun and play the game through, but you have to try out every single feature of the game, play with all characters and often play it multiple times. This means it can take many hours to complete just one assignment.
Another thing that you should keep in mind is that you have a deadline, and if you miss it, then you will not get another assignment. This can be easily avoided by planning your time effectively. It's easier if it's your full-time job.
Home game testing job can be full-time job, but it will take some time before you can get this far, you will need to make yourself known to the companies. If companies liked your previous results then you will get another assignment. But this is really the part when many new game testers get stuck.
There is no special formula on becoming a valuable tester to the company, all you have to do is write clean and informative reports and never be late. In this way company will reward you with paychecks and sometimes if the the game you tested is finished they might send you a copy of game earlier than it's available on stores.
So this was a brief overview of home game testing jobs. If you're really interested in gaming and you think you can keep up with deadlines, then I highly recommend you this job – it's a dream job for a gamer.
Want to Get Started ? ==> Click Here