Business & Finance: How to Attract Traffic to Your Blog

How to Attract Traffic to Your Blog

As a web professional I personally feel that blog design plays a vital role in the promotion of the blog. Because everyone wants to see a blog that is more easy to surf around and have a great amount of information at the same time. Decent and everlasting web traffic is never guaranteed but with an

Business & Finance: Podcasting As a Business Teacher

Podcasting As a Business Teacher

Learning business can be a roller coaster ride. Sometimes things can go smoothly, sometimes rough. Up and down.

Business & Finance: Should You Quit Your Day Job to Blog?

Should You Quit Your Day Job to Blog?

Only a fool would give up a day job to blog with the hope of making money, right? Well the author disagrees and cites her personal ambition to support it.

Business & Finance: How to Link to a Tumblr Video on Facebook

How to Link to a Tumblr Video on Facebook

You can use Tumblr to create your own blog. Once you've set up your blog, you can upload videos and images in addition to writing regular blog posts. If you upload a video onto your Tumblr blog, you may also want to share it with your Facebook friends who don't have time to read your blog. The proce

Business & Finance: Making a Living by Blogging is Immensely Appealing

Making a Living by Blogging is Immensely Appealing

Making a living by blogging is immensely appealing: you make your living by writing about a topic on which you are an expert, you get to revisit your passion every time you create a blog entry, and with a laptop and access to the internet, you can do it just about anywhere. While there is the occasi

Business & Finance: How to Star With Blog Marketing

How to Star With Blog Marketing

To start the ball rolling blog marketing you number one need a blog. The after that step is to ensure with the purpose of your blog is updated commonly. Post content in your blog recurrently in place of the most excellent results. Some will job just the once a date and others just the once a week. W

Business & Finance: Blogging Tools - A Must Have

Blogging Tools - A Must Have

Blogging has been a staple in the internet community. From personal use, it has evolved to become an essential tool in delivering up-to-date news and building communications in a business. Amateurs and professionals alike use blogging as a tool to become better in their craft or as a money making bu

Business & Finance: Making Your Internet Marketing Blog 'Visitor' Friendly

Making Your Internet Marketing Blog 'Visitor' Friendly

Even though an internet marketing blog is designed to make money blogging it still needs to present a warm and welcoming layout. Business blogs and personal blogging sites both rely upon returning traffic to survive therefore creating a user friendly site is crucial. Read on to discover 5 tips you m

Business & Finance: How to Automate Blog Posts in WordPress

How to Automate Blog Posts in WordPress

Very few people know about the incredible automation power inside of a WordPress blog. Blogs are an incredible tool to market your business on the internet. In addition, more and more people are utilizing the power of blogs to build internet businesses

Business & Finance: How to Make a Three-Column WordPress Blog

How to Make a Three-Column WordPress Blog

You've decided to set up your own blog, and you've decided you're going to do it using Wordpress. You've also found that most of your favorite blogs use three columns, and you plan on setting up your blog the same way. Setting up a three-column blog in Wordpress is a quick process -- search Wordpres

Business & Finance: How to Remove Advanced Cache From Wordpress

How to Remove Advanced Cache From Wordpress

A known bug with recent versions of the WordPress blogging script, hosted on your own server, the advanced-cache.php file can occasionally get hung up on the server and cause various errors throughout your blog site, and may need to be manually deleted. Ensure that the directory where the file is lo

Business & Finance: How Direct Sales Reps Can Use Blogging

How Direct Sales Reps Can Use Blogging

One of the tools that a smart direct sales representative use to attract new business is a blog. A blog keeps customers and potential customers informed about products, events and services that relate to your business, new releases, contests, specials and it always keeps your name front and center.

Business & Finance: Please, Blog Me To Death!

Please, Blog Me To Death!

On the internet, you want people to talk behind your back. You want bloggers to gossip about your company. You want them to stab you in the back and make you cry!

Business & Finance: How to Blog When You Are Exhausted and Uninspired

How to Blog When You Are Exhausted and Uninspired

What can you do when you want/need to blog but it's the last thing you feel like doing and ideas just don't seem to be coming? Never fear! Here are some simple ideas to help you survive and get a blog post published quickly.

Business & Finance: Make More Money From Your Blog - AdSense Or Affiliate Programs?

Make More Money From Your Blog - AdSense Or Affiliate Programs?

You've created a blog that you are proud of and now you want to add in some monetization features into it, but you are not sure whether you should use AdSense or Affiliate Programs.Well if your plan is to make more money from your blog then why not add both?

Business & Finance: How to Make Uber Amounts of Cash With Free Blogs

How to Make Uber Amounts of Cash With Free Blogs

So you want to try your hand at online money making using blogs huh? Ok lets get rollin'. First off, you will need to make a decision, but don't worry their really is only 2 options when it comes to picking blogs hosting. Either you use a free blog, or you have your own hosting provider an

Business & Finance: Children and Blogging Part 1

Children and Blogging Part 1

When children are young, they take the whole world and use it as their muse. They soak in all the knowledge their little brains could possibly hold, and use that to inspire them. One thing that is essential to their development, and a skill that will be necessary for success, is communication. They