On the internet, you want people to talk behind your back.
You want bloggers to gossip about your company.
You want them to stab you in the back and make you cry! Ok, maybe not that last part, but you do want bloggers to "blog you to death", figuratively.
If they aren't blogging about you, your product or company might not be interesting enough.
How to make your product more interesting is beyond the scope of this article, but I do have a tip for you about how to keep your finger on the pulse of the blogosphere.
How can you track the BLOGversation? (Did I just coin a phrase? Blog + conversation = BLOGversation.
) I found a nice little tool to help you track all the blogs that are blogging about you and/or your product.
It is inspired by a little reporting tool on the main admin page of Wordpress 2.
5 Step 1) Copy this code into your browser address bar: http://blogsearch.
com/blogsearch_feeds?hl=en&scoring=d &ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss&partner=wordpress&q=link:http://www.
com/ Step 2) Change the website at the end to whatever url or web page address you would like to track.
Step 3) You will then see an RSS feed of all or most of the blogs that are blogging about you.
Step 4) Subscribe to that feed and then you will be notified each time a new blogger blogs about you or your product.
How can this be useful? Well, you might want to visit each blog and post a thank you comment.
You might want to know if they are talking positively or negatively about your product.
You might realize that NOBODY is blogging about you and that you need to get your butt in gear and start some publicity.
What can you do to get more BLOGblicity? (Did I just coin a another new phrase? Blog + publicity = BLOGblicity.
) Anyway, how can you get more bloggers to blog about you? One way is to pay for it.
Just do a search for "get paid to blog" on Google and you will find tons of companies that will get your message out to thousands of bloggers.
OR, you can create something viral (an article, a video, a free offer, etc.
) This will get the bloggers to blogging and then other bloggers will follow suit.
You could also send a sample of your product to a selection of relevant blogs.
They might be inspired to write about you.
LAST MINUTE UPDATE: A "turn it upside-down" marketing idea: Why not publish the RSS feed (mentioned above) on your site so your visitors can visit those blogs and see what the gossip is all about? I can't think of anything more Web 2.
0 than that.
Even if there is some negative feedback out there, your visitors will see how you responded to it in the comments section.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and do your best to get "blogged to death"!
You want bloggers to gossip about your company.
You want them to stab you in the back and make you cry! Ok, maybe not that last part, but you do want bloggers to "blog you to death", figuratively.
If they aren't blogging about you, your product or company might not be interesting enough.
How to make your product more interesting is beyond the scope of this article, but I do have a tip for you about how to keep your finger on the pulse of the blogosphere.
How can you track the BLOGversation? (Did I just coin a phrase? Blog + conversation = BLOGversation.
) I found a nice little tool to help you track all the blogs that are blogging about you and/or your product.
It is inspired by a little reporting tool on the main admin page of Wordpress 2.
5 Step 1) Copy this code into your browser address bar: http://blogsearch.
com/blogsearch_feeds?hl=en&scoring=d &ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss&partner=wordpress&q=link:http://www.
com/ Step 2) Change the website at the end to whatever url or web page address you would like to track.
Step 3) You will then see an RSS feed of all or most of the blogs that are blogging about you.
Step 4) Subscribe to that feed and then you will be notified each time a new blogger blogs about you or your product.
How can this be useful? Well, you might want to visit each blog and post a thank you comment.
You might want to know if they are talking positively or negatively about your product.
You might realize that NOBODY is blogging about you and that you need to get your butt in gear and start some publicity.
What can you do to get more BLOGblicity? (Did I just coin a another new phrase? Blog + publicity = BLOGblicity.
) Anyway, how can you get more bloggers to blog about you? One way is to pay for it.
Just do a search for "get paid to blog" on Google and you will find tons of companies that will get your message out to thousands of bloggers.
OR, you can create something viral (an article, a video, a free offer, etc.
) This will get the bloggers to blogging and then other bloggers will follow suit.
You could also send a sample of your product to a selection of relevant blogs.
They might be inspired to write about you.
LAST MINUTE UPDATE: A "turn it upside-down" marketing idea: Why not publish the RSS feed (mentioned above) on your site so your visitors can visit those blogs and see what the gossip is all about? I can't think of anything more Web 2.
0 than that.
Even if there is some negative feedback out there, your visitors will see how you responded to it in the comments section.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and do your best to get "blogged to death"!