Business & Finance Blogging

Children and Blogging Part 1

When children are young, they take the whole world and use it as their muse.
They soak in all the knowledge their little brains could possibly hold, and use that to inspire them.
One thing that is essential to their development, and a skill that will be necessary for success, is communication.
They will have to learn how to express ideas and thoughts verbally and through writing throughout their entire life.
The more a child writes, the better their oral communication will be.
It is the process of taking what they have learned and getting it out to the world.
We live in an age where there are so many different methods of teaching communication skills.
The one area that a lot of adults overlook is the Internet.
A child as early as 2 can learn to communicate via the computer.
They can talk to family through Email, write a story, play learning games, and so much more.
Parents need to encourage this form of learning, as their child will encounter technological communication more and more as he/she grows up.
Children also love to be praised and acknowledged for their brilliance and talent.
What better way than to teach them to blog or keep a daily journal.
Most children under the age of 13 cannot access a site for blogging because of the Children's Online Protection Privacy Act (COPPA).
So, little ones will not be able to blog just yet.
There is a site, kidslearntoblog.
com, where children 11-14 can learn how to blog safely and legally.
This site has articles on blogging, creative writing, blog sites, and tips to stay safe while on the Internet.
This is a great outlet for tweens and teens to share their thoughts, experiences, ideas, or even show off their creative side by writing poems or stories.
So, where does that leave the children under age 11? They can start learning how to blog by keeping a journal on their computer.
This is private so there is no need for concern about Internet safety.
It gets them in the habit of successfully regurgitating what is "in their mind" onto "paper".
This is how children learn to communicate with people, by first learning how to process their thoughts and ideas.
This is also a good bonding time between you and your child.
Set up a schedule where you will be home at the same time and designate that time as a "no distractions" time.
This shows your child, whether they are 2 or 15, that spending time with them is just as important as going to work or having a date night with your spouse.
Teach them how to use the computer (or, they might actually teach you a thing or two), research sites for them to create a blog, or teach the younger children how to set up a journal where they can express all their feelings every day.
You can call their journal the "safe-zone", meaning anything they say in their journal is a valid extension of their feelings and most of all the thoughts and ideas are kept private.
Just as adults need a way to privately express their feelings without judgment or ridicule, children need the same freedom.
Once your child is at the age that they can legally blog, not only will they be able to "vent" or "get it all out", there are other added benefits to allowing your child to participate in blogging.
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