Cars & Vehicles: How to Troubleshoot a 1980 Chevrolet Silverado Ignition

How to Troubleshoot a 1980 Chevrolet Silverado Ignition

The 1980 Chevy Silverado ignition consists of a distributor with a hall-effect sensor and a separate coil. The sensor is used for determining the location of the number one cylinder in respect to top dead center on the compression stroke. It also has an ignition control module used to vary the timin

Cars & Vehicles: Bad Belt Tensioner Symptoms

Bad Belt Tensioner Symptoms

NA/ ImagesYour vehicle's belt tensioner is not a part that you commonly think of when you have vehicle problems. However, a malfunctioning belt tensioner can cause a variety of problems for your vehicle. There are several symptoms you should be aware of if you suspect...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Change a GM Oil Pan

How to Change a GM Oil Pan

The oil pan in a General Motors vehicle is located at the bottom of the engine. Replacement of the oil pan will include draining the old oil and pulling the old pan off the bottom of the engine. In certain GM vehicles, removal of components may be necessary. For example, some models require lifting

Cars & Vehicles: How to Replace the Cabin Air Filter in a 2008 Subaru Legacy

How to Replace the Cabin Air Filter in a 2008 Subaru Legacy

Originally, the Subaru Outback was simply a trim level for the Legacy wagon. As the years progressed, the Legacy Outback set itself apart from the rest of the Legacy lineup. In 2000, Subaru realized that the Legacy Outback could stand alone as its own model, so they released the Subaru Outback. The

Cars & Vehicles: How to Use a Brake Reset Tool

How to Use a Brake Reset Tool

Retracting the brake piston back into the cylinder is an important task in disc brake servicing. On many rear disc brake designs, this task is accomplished in the same manner as on the front brakes; the piston is simply pushed back into the cylinder. On other designs, however, the piston must be sim

Cars & Vehicles: How to Mold Custom Fiberglass Kickpanels

How to Mold Custom Fiberglass Kickpanels

Fiberglass and carbon fiber interior panels can add a touch of customization to any interior, or they can provide a place to mount aftermarket speakers and other accoutrements. Creating such DIY parts isn't physically difficult or even particularly expensive, but it does require a certain amount of

Cars & Vehicles: What Is a Safety Limit Switch?

What Is a Safety Limit Switch?

Safety limit switches are used on many types of electrically powered machines and equipment to prevent injury or damage in the event aspects of operating motion go outside normal operating limits. Safety limit switches are usually adjusted to a range of motion just outside the normal operating limit

Cars & Vehicles: How to Replace the Wiper Motor for a 1990 Toyota Corolla

How to Replace the Wiper Motor for a 1990 Toyota Corolla

The wiper motor on your 1990 Toyota Corolla controls the operation of the wiper arm and blade assembly. If the wiper motor suddenly stops working, you could be left in a very dangerous situation during inclimate weather. If your wiper motor starts to whine or squeal, you'll need to know how to repla

Cars & Vehicles: Get Your New Car Back and Spoil Yourself Again

Get Your New Car Back and Spoil Yourself Again

There is nothing like a new car with burnished car paint, clean interior and shimmering exterior. But when it's driven for a few weeks or probably months, the new look and feel fades away. This ...

Cars & Vehicles: Kansas Muffler Laws

Kansas Muffler Laws

Motorcycle Muffler??chappements image by thierry planche from Fotolia.comA muffler in good operating condition is an essential part of an automobile's exhaust system. Passenger safety and comfort are the primary reasons for keeping a vehicle's exhaust system in top notch condition. State...

Cars & Vehicles: What Are Brake Pads & Shoes?

What Are Brake Pads & Shoes?

Brake shoes, and later, brake pads, have been the staple of stopping your automobile safely since the invention of the modern brake system in 1902.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Remove Yellow Highway Striping Paint

How to Remove Yellow Highway Striping Paint

If you make the mistake of driving over fresh yellow highway paint it is easy to end up with yellow specks and splatters on your vehicle. Unfortunately, you may not notice the damage until well after the paint has dried. Removing dried paint is always a hassle but if you follow a simple procedures,

Cars & Vehicles: How to Change the Brake Pads on a Civic

How to Change the Brake Pads on a Civic

Brakes are fundamentally important to the mechanical operation of any car and to the safety of passengers and drivers alike. While replacing brake pads is a routine maintenance procedure, it should not be attempted by someone with little or no mechanical experience. The brake pads on a Honda Civic

Cars & Vehicles: How to Remove a Mustang Trunk Weatherstrip

How to Remove a Mustang Trunk Weatherstrip

The Mustang is an entry level sports car manufactured and sold by the Ford Motor Company. Like most cars, the vehicle features a trunk for storage and transporting of objects. Inside the trunk lid, a weatherstrip acts as a seal to prevent rain, snow and water from entering the trunk. This strip can

Cars & Vehicles: How to Remove a 1998 V6 Mustang Starter

How to Remove a 1998 V6 Mustang Starter

The 1998 V6 Mustang has a starter motor mounted on the back of the engine, where the engine and transmission join. The starter motor's job is to turn the flywheel on the V6, which allows the Mustang to start. Without a fully functioning starter motor, the Mustang is dead in the water, so to speak. I

Cars & Vehicles: How to Fix an Electric Window on a Ford F-150

How to Fix an Electric Window on a Ford F-150

The electric window on your Ford F-150 is composed of the window glass and the power window regulator. If the glass is broken, there is no simple way to fix it. The easiest solution is to replace the glass. Likewise, if your regulator stops working, you will need to replace it as the cost and time r

Cars & Vehicles: How to Remove a Transmission from a Honda ATV TRX 250

How to Remove a Transmission from a Honda ATV TRX 250

The transmission on your Honda TRX 250 all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is under constant stress and abuse. It's not often that the transmission burns out on a TRX, but if it happens you will need to remove the transmission and rebuild or replace it. Removing the transmission yourself will save you some mo

Cars & Vehicles: How to Replace a Ford F250 Right Mirror Light Lens

How to Replace a Ford F250 Right Mirror Light Lens

The F250 is part of Ford's F-Series line of Super Duty trucks. The F250 is a three-quarter ton vehicle that is capable of towing or hauling larger loads than the smaller, half-ton F150. Many F250 trucks come from the factory with towing mirrors that can be extended a few inches to compensate for lar

Cars & Vehicles: How to Replace the Front Wheel Bearing on a 1994 Chrysler New Yorker

How to Replace the Front Wheel Bearing on a 1994 Chrysler New Yorker

Wheel bearings are a critical safety item that connect the tire to the vehicle while allowing the tire to rotate.The front wheel bearings on a 1994 Chrysler New Yorker are integrated into the hub assembly and are replaced by changing the entire hub assembly. The front wheel bearing on the New Yorker

Cars & Vehicles: How to Reset the Service B Warning Light in the 2008 Mercedes C300

How to Reset the Service B Warning Light in the 2008 Mercedes C300

The 2008 Mercedes C300 has an internal computer system that tracks driving conditions to determine when different types of maintenance should be completed. The system displays warning lights for two maintenance schedules: service A and service B. Service B refers to an engine oil and filter change.