Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Directions for Knitting a PDA Cosy

Directions for Knitting a PDA Cosy

A PDA, or Personal Digital Assistant, is a device that helps keep track of appointments, holds contact information and runs many of the software programs that run on computers---and is roughly the size of your hand. A PDA with phone call capabilities is a smartphone. Such devices typically have a sc

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Easy-to-Make Bags

Easy-to-Make Bags

Create handmade bags with a variety of fabric, plastic or paper. When deciding which materials to use, consider bag design, size, durability and purpose. Whether they will be given as little party favors, themed gift bags or useful shopping bags, simplicity is the key. Add embellishments such as ri

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Making Crayon Hearts

Making Crayon Hearts

Recycling materials into crafts can be fun and eco-friendly. As kids tend to have a hard time coloring with stubs of crayons, use them to make crayon hearts. This is an ideal craft idea for Valentine's Day or a rainy Saturday afternoon. Gather together your materials and have a crafty afternoon.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make My Own Teeth Mold in the Laboratory

How to Make My Own Teeth Mold in the Laboratory

Dentists and other health professionals often create molds of patients' teeth in order to best provide custom-fitted devices such as braces. Usually, dentists send impressions of their patients' teeth to a separate laboratory for further work. However, if you wish to create a dental mold in the lab

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Get L'Occitane on Stardoll

How to Get L'Occitane on Stardoll

L'Occitane is a manufacturer of beauty and skin care products including make-up. In 2010, the virtual paperdoll website "Stardoll" featured L'Occitane make-up in its StarPlaza shopping mall. Although only Stardoll Superstar members in Sweden and Finland could access this make-up, American Stardoll u

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: CD Booklet Specifications

CD Booklet Specifications

CD booklets, though not as important as a CD's music, are certainly important to music fans. The booklets will often include photographs, lyrics, and information on an artist - all in a few pages. A well-produced, informative CD booklet is now expected by music consumers every time they purchase a C

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Moth Trap

How to Make a Moth Trap

Moths can be destructive creatures. If they are wax moths, they will eat wood when they are larvae. Gypsy moths eat foliage. Traditionally people would use mothballs to repel moths. However, mothballs are toxic and have an unpleasant smell. Instead of using mothballs, some people use commercial moth

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Repair Beaded Fringe

How to Repair Beaded Fringe

Nothing accents jewelry, clothes, purses or lampshades better than a row of beaded fringe. Beaded earrings with fringe will sway as you move, softly brushing against your neck. Lamps look elegant with crystal beads reflecting and sparkling in the light. Sometimes, the ends of the fringe can become f

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Find Events And Live Shows Venus In Your City

Find Events And Live Shows Venus In Your City

Mypurplemartini is immense event portal site that give information about events, live shows, Bookings and venues. People can easily search their favorite events at their locality or other part of the country. It is easy to check all details about ongoing or latest shows in the city.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make an Organza Necklace

How to Make an Organza Necklace

You can make necklaces at home with organza ribbon for customized jewelry to accessorize any outfit. Tie a piece of wide organza ribbon for a simple choker-style necklace, or decorate long pieces of thin organza ribbon with beads or pearls for customized beaded jewelry. The project requires no previ

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Get eCoins on "Fantage"

How to Get eCoins on "Fantage"

"Fantage" is a virtual world where you can make new friends, set out on challenging adventures and customize your in-game avatar with items and clothing. While many of these items come from completing missions or earning stars, you can also purchase items with eCoins, an alternate currency that you

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Lakota Moccasins

How to Make Lakota Moccasins

The Lakota Nation of Native Americans is part of the Sioux grouping of tribes. The first to leave the forests, the Lakota traveled far across the Great Plains, following the buffalo, before moving west and settling in North and South Dakota. The word "Lakota" is derived from the verb lakolya, "to be

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video: Adding Holly Design to Henna Christmas Ornaments

Video: Adding Holly Design to Henna Christmas Ornaments

Video Transcript Now that we have our grid pattern laid out with henna, what we're going to do is we're going to do a holly design directly on the henna over that, kind of making the leaves come up the fingers and stretch across the hand. We'll have a couple of leaves going this way...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Your Own Deck Rail

How to Make Your Own Deck Rail

Deck railing is not only a mandatory safety feature, but it enhances curb appeal and spruces up the appearance of a home’s exterior. Although made from a variety of materials, wooden deck railings are easy to build and install, allowing you to save extra costs. Installed along the edge of the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Repair Spindles

How to Repair Spindles

You are happily spinning yarn on your favorite drop spindle, watching the twist travel up the fiber, drafting evenly, and then the yarn gets too thin to support the weight of the spindle. It breaks and your lovely tool drops heavily to the tiled floor beneath your feet. You pick it up, reattach the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tips for Using a Yamaha Powered Mixer

Tips for Using a Yamaha Powered Mixer

Yamaha makes several different powered mixers than can serve as the heart of a PA system, serving the needs of small, struggling bands and professional touring musicians. A powered mixer allows a band to send multiple inputs for vocals, as well as miking the guitar cabinets and drums, to control sta

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Scarf in a Rectangular Loom

How to Make a Scarf in a Rectangular Loom

Knitting looms create clothing, stuffed animals and blankets. These looms are different than using knitting needles and require less handwork. Rectangular looms are long and thin, shaped like a rectangle, with pegs sticking up from the top. The yarn is simply wrapped around the pegs and woven togeth

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Environmental Crafts for Kids

Environmental Crafts for Kids

Any craft project that uses common household items that would otherwise be thrown away can be considered environmentally friendly. Help your kids make something that directly helps the environment and explain how. Teach them about the importance of recycling so they can learn about the...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Easy Clay Sculpture Ideas

Easy Clay Sculpture Ideas

OverviewHemera Technologies/ ImagesFor a quick (and sometimes dirty) craft project, consider clay sculpting. When you’re working with clay, you get to mold the materials into any design you like, squeezing and forming shapes with abandon. Make simple clay...