My grandmother told me this story years ago when I was a child, and although she's passed on now, it creeps me out even now, just as it did those years before. I beleive this happened around 1940 or so, when my granny was still a young lady, barely 16. She lived in Texas, where the family still resides, and worked two jobs full-time to help support her younger sister and mother.
As the story goes, she had just come home from her first job and was on her way to her second job when she suddenly begin to feel tired.
She decided to rest a little while before heading out to work again, so she went and lay down on her bed. She was the only one at home at the time, and it was still light out.
She had not been dozing very long when she clearly heard her name being called. She opened her eyes to find a man standing near her closet in a dressy pin-striped suit. "I need to tell you something," the man insisted. "Just listen, it's important." That's when she got very afraid and hid under her covers, because she instantly recognized the person as her Uncle Charlie -- and he had been dead for at least ten years.
She remembered he had visited them often and would bring them trinkets and candy, most time in that same suit, which was his favorite. My granny began to scream at him to go away and leave her alone over his pleadings for her to "just listen." Then it got quiet and she pulled the covers from her head to find he had vanished from the room.
She got up and ran from the house, petrified. Not very long after that encounter, about six months or so, my granny guessed, her mother died of cancer.
My granny always believed that her Uncle Charlie had visited her one last time to warn her of her mother's impending death.
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As the story goes, she had just come home from her first job and was on her way to her second job when she suddenly begin to feel tired.
She decided to rest a little while before heading out to work again, so she went and lay down on her bed. She was the only one at home at the time, and it was still light out.
She had not been dozing very long when she clearly heard her name being called. She opened her eyes to find a man standing near her closet in a dressy pin-striped suit. "I need to tell you something," the man insisted. "Just listen, it's important." That's when she got very afraid and hid under her covers, because she instantly recognized the person as her Uncle Charlie -- and he had been dead for at least ten years.
She remembered he had visited them often and would bring them trinkets and candy, most time in that same suit, which was his favorite. My granny began to scream at him to go away and leave her alone over his pleadings for her to "just listen." Then it got quiet and she pulled the covers from her head to find he had vanished from the room.
She got up and ran from the house, petrified. Not very long after that encounter, about six months or so, my granny guessed, her mother died of cancer.
My granny always believed that her Uncle Charlie had visited her one last time to warn her of her mother's impending death.
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