You don't need mind-numbing medication to get rid of your anxiety attacks. Here, you'll discover that if you eliminate your 'fear' you can get rid of anxiety attacks without resorting to medication.
You see, the thing that is preventing you getting rid of your anxiety attacks is your unconscious or conscious fear of having another attack. It is now known that this very understandable fear is a roadblock to curing your attacks. Your very fear of another anxiety attack can actually trigger one.
It happens simply because your lingering fear is constantly adding to your already very high general anxiety. The resultant 'overall' anxiety level can actually reach such a height of intensity that it is perceived by your brain that you're under some sort of physical threat to life.
When this occurs, your body's own defense response -- called the 'fight or flight' response -- is triggered. The result is that a whole series of mental and physical changes rapidly occur in your body. These changes are brought about in order to help you stand and fight, or, run away. Of course this is an in-built protective mechanism that has been with us since the beginnings of mankind.
But, in a situation where there is no physical threat, and you aren't trying to fight or run away, this manifests itself by producing the horrifying symptoms of an anxiety attack, e.g. trembling, racing heart, fast and shallow breathing, chest tightness, nausea, hot and cold flashes, lightheadedness, detachment, a real feeling of impending doom, and more.
Now, one way to try to prevent anxiety and anxiety attacks is to take prescribed medication. This approach is generally used by the medical profession to help alter your 'mood' and to 'calm' you. But these drug-based medications have a series of rather unfortunate side effects, including dependancy issues, that can put a lot of people off.
But there are many natural ways to get rid of anxiety and anxiety attacks. These include things like deep breathing exercises, self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy, counseling, psychotherapy, distraction techniques, support groups, yoga, even acupuncture, etc.
However, it really doesn't matter which route you take. Unless you can banish your in-built fear of another anxiety attack for good, you won't be able to break your anxiety cycle. In it's simplest form this can be described as >>> your general anxiety >>> attack >>> fear of another attack >>> another attack >>> general anxiety >>> attack >>> fear >>> attack >>> and so on and on.
And if you can't break your anxiety cycle it can be very difficult to prevent anxiety attacks, and if you can't prevent those, it makes it even more difficult to cure your general anxiety, which lies at the root of this. So, the idea is to first remove your fear, which helps to prevent further attacks, then you concentrate on curing your general anxiety much more effectively.
You see, the thing that is preventing you getting rid of your anxiety attacks is your unconscious or conscious fear of having another attack. It is now known that this very understandable fear is a roadblock to curing your attacks. Your very fear of another anxiety attack can actually trigger one.
It happens simply because your lingering fear is constantly adding to your already very high general anxiety. The resultant 'overall' anxiety level can actually reach such a height of intensity that it is perceived by your brain that you're under some sort of physical threat to life.
When this occurs, your body's own defense response -- called the 'fight or flight' response -- is triggered. The result is that a whole series of mental and physical changes rapidly occur in your body. These changes are brought about in order to help you stand and fight, or, run away. Of course this is an in-built protective mechanism that has been with us since the beginnings of mankind.
But, in a situation where there is no physical threat, and you aren't trying to fight or run away, this manifests itself by producing the horrifying symptoms of an anxiety attack, e.g. trembling, racing heart, fast and shallow breathing, chest tightness, nausea, hot and cold flashes, lightheadedness, detachment, a real feeling of impending doom, and more.
Now, one way to try to prevent anxiety and anxiety attacks is to take prescribed medication. This approach is generally used by the medical profession to help alter your 'mood' and to 'calm' you. But these drug-based medications have a series of rather unfortunate side effects, including dependancy issues, that can put a lot of people off.
But there are many natural ways to get rid of anxiety and anxiety attacks. These include things like deep breathing exercises, self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy, counseling, psychotherapy, distraction techniques, support groups, yoga, even acupuncture, etc.
However, it really doesn't matter which route you take. Unless you can banish your in-built fear of another anxiety attack for good, you won't be able to break your anxiety cycle. In it's simplest form this can be described as >>> your general anxiety >>> attack >>> fear of another attack >>> another attack >>> general anxiety >>> attack >>> fear >>> attack >>> and so on and on.
And if you can't break your anxiety cycle it can be very difficult to prevent anxiety attacks, and if you can't prevent those, it makes it even more difficult to cure your general anxiety, which lies at the root of this. So, the idea is to first remove your fear, which helps to prevent further attacks, then you concentrate on curing your general anxiety much more effectively.