People are starting to realise that blogging is a great way to start their own online business.
It requires very low start up costs, and you can build a relationship between you and your visitors that might lead to sales.
Even when you don´t update you blog you might be making sales.
There are plenty of ways to set up your blog.
You can use WordPress, Blogger or any other service for this effect.
The problem with this, is that won´t be able to control your blog freely because of your hosting company terms and conditions.
If you are serious about this, then you should buy your own domain name and host service.
You can buy a domain for less than $10 and you can host your blog on any hosting company for about $20 a year.
By spending these $30, you will have full control over your blog, which will help you making money from it.
Now that you will start building your blog, you need to think on a template that fits your blog subject.
This is pretty easy, and you can find anything just by searching on Google.
But you need to think about what will your blog be about.
Now this is very important: you must blog about something you like.
Some people write about their hobbies, others about their family or jobs or other subjects.
Anyway, the point is, if you blog about something you don´t enjoy than that will reflect on your posts.
People will notice that, and most likely won´t come to your blog again.
Okay - Now you know what you will blog about.
It´s time to start writing your blog posts.
If you ever been on blogs ( if you don´t, then you can search on Google for blogs ) you probably notice that the length of the posts are not constant.
Some blogs write only a paragraph or two per blog post while others write 500 - 600 words per blog post.
Some even write very long posts with lots of information.
This depends of your skills.
If you got good writing skills and creativity, than writing post with 400+ words won´t be much a problem for you, on the other hand, if you are not so good at writing that that will be to much for you.
Not a problem, do your best.
Remember that you can get information from the internet if you are out of ideas.
Tip: If you are the kind of person that likes to write long articles i advise you to write a small post ( less than 400 words ) on the main page, and then put a link to your full post at the end.
People won´t get scared with your posts, and they will click the link if they want to keep reading.
Don´t copy what other bloggers are doing.
It´s okay to take ideas, but never really copy it.
Don´t worry, with time and experience your blog will start reflecting your personality and character and that´s what visitors want to see.
Show yourself and you will get a bigger and loyal audience.
Now you have your blog ready and you are already posting.
It´s time to get visitors.
Sign up for as many social networks you want ( hi5, Facebook, twitter and others ) and put the link to your blog on your profile.
This will generate you visitor at cost zero.
You can also sign up on forums and put your blog´s link of the forum signature.
It´s time to start making money with your blog.
The most well known method is probably Google Adsense.
There will be displayed some ads on your blog and every time any of your visitors click on it, you make money.
There are also websites that will pay you to make posts.
"Pay Per Post" and "Review Me" are examples of websites for this effect.
Before i show you another way to make money with your blog, let me explain you what is affiliate marketing: basically you promote other people products in exchange of a commission.
If you are selling digital products, you can get high commission 50% -75% on "Click Bank".
Now that you understand what affiliate marketing means, you can write some product reviews and post them with your affiliate link.
Every time people buy the product you get a commission.
You can also offer ad space and charge a fee for each classified displayed.
You can make your own list of prices.
There is one final step that you can take although few people do it.
Now that you have a well constructor blog with lots of visitors you can sell your blog and make a considerable amount of money.
Then you can start over with another subject, build a blog and sell it again and so on.
If making your blog was hard for you, then don´t sell it.
This final step is only for people that really know what they are doing and that are on internet marketing for a while.
It requires very low start up costs, and you can build a relationship between you and your visitors that might lead to sales.
Even when you don´t update you blog you might be making sales.
There are plenty of ways to set up your blog.
You can use WordPress, Blogger or any other service for this effect.
The problem with this, is that won´t be able to control your blog freely because of your hosting company terms and conditions.
If you are serious about this, then you should buy your own domain name and host service.
You can buy a domain for less than $10 and you can host your blog on any hosting company for about $20 a year.
By spending these $30, you will have full control over your blog, which will help you making money from it.
Now that you will start building your blog, you need to think on a template that fits your blog subject.
This is pretty easy, and you can find anything just by searching on Google.
But you need to think about what will your blog be about.
Now this is very important: you must blog about something you like.
Some people write about their hobbies, others about their family or jobs or other subjects.
Anyway, the point is, if you blog about something you don´t enjoy than that will reflect on your posts.
People will notice that, and most likely won´t come to your blog again.
Okay - Now you know what you will blog about.
It´s time to start writing your blog posts.
If you ever been on blogs ( if you don´t, then you can search on Google for blogs ) you probably notice that the length of the posts are not constant.
Some blogs write only a paragraph or two per blog post while others write 500 - 600 words per blog post.
Some even write very long posts with lots of information.
This depends of your skills.
If you got good writing skills and creativity, than writing post with 400+ words won´t be much a problem for you, on the other hand, if you are not so good at writing that that will be to much for you.
Not a problem, do your best.
Remember that you can get information from the internet if you are out of ideas.
Tip: If you are the kind of person that likes to write long articles i advise you to write a small post ( less than 400 words ) on the main page, and then put a link to your full post at the end.
People won´t get scared with your posts, and they will click the link if they want to keep reading.
Don´t copy what other bloggers are doing.
It´s okay to take ideas, but never really copy it.
Don´t worry, with time and experience your blog will start reflecting your personality and character and that´s what visitors want to see.
Show yourself and you will get a bigger and loyal audience.
Now you have your blog ready and you are already posting.
It´s time to get visitors.
Sign up for as many social networks you want ( hi5, Facebook, twitter and others ) and put the link to your blog on your profile.
This will generate you visitor at cost zero.
You can also sign up on forums and put your blog´s link of the forum signature.
It´s time to start making money with your blog.
The most well known method is probably Google Adsense.
There will be displayed some ads on your blog and every time any of your visitors click on it, you make money.
There are also websites that will pay you to make posts.
"Pay Per Post" and "Review Me" are examples of websites for this effect.
Before i show you another way to make money with your blog, let me explain you what is affiliate marketing: basically you promote other people products in exchange of a commission.
If you are selling digital products, you can get high commission 50% -75% on "Click Bank".
Now that you understand what affiliate marketing means, you can write some product reviews and post them with your affiliate link.
Every time people buy the product you get a commission.
You can also offer ad space and charge a fee for each classified displayed.
You can make your own list of prices.
There is one final step that you can take although few people do it.
Now that you have a well constructor blog with lots of visitors you can sell your blog and make a considerable amount of money.
Then you can start over with another subject, build a blog and sell it again and so on.
If making your blog was hard for you, then don´t sell it.
This final step is only for people that really know what they are doing and that are on internet marketing for a while.