Revitol stretch mark cream is one of the best-selling anti-stretch mark creams available in the market today. It is advised that the cream should be rubbed on all the areas of your body where stretch marks are likely to appear, such as abdomen, breasts, upper arms, thighs and buttocks. The ideal time to start using Revitol stretch mark cream is when you conceive. While it may seem too soon to you, remember that the stretch marks cream will need plenty of time to prepare your skin for the upcoming strains that it need to undergo because of the sudden weight gain during the nine months of pregnancy.
While Revitol stretch mark cream can seem quite expensive at $39.95 US a bottle, it is definitely much cheaper than a surgical procedure such as tummy tuck or laser therapy. However, with such a price you are quite justified to want to know more about Revitol stretch mark cream before buying it. Well, the best thing about Revitol is that it is 100% herbal and it does not contain any chemicals that can be harmful for your skin or for your baby. Remember, Revitol is specifically produced to use during your pregnancy and for nursing women and therefore every precaution has been taken to make it ultra-safe to be used on sensitive areas of you body.
Before buying any cream, you should read the label very careful. Let us now take a look at the label of Revitol stretch mark cream to see what has gone into its making. Revitol contains essential oils such as squaline and grape seed oil, which help to make the skin soft and supple. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin D3 and vitamin A Palmitate among other things.
While vitamin A and E help the production of collagen, vitamin D3 assists these two vitamins in this process. Collagen and elastin are the skin building components that reside in the dermis level of the skin. Stretch marks appear because these two components tear as a result of excessive pulling. The oils make sure that the vitamins penetrate deep enough into the skin to weave their magic.
Another great aspect of Revitol stretch mark cream is that it can help to lessen old pregnancy scars as well. The unique formulation of this cream regenerates skin tissues and replaces the old tissues with new ones. This way, it constantly boosts the skin to shed the scarred tissues and to develop brand new skin cells. This whole process ensures that your old pregnancy scars will either disappear or will lessen considerably if you start using Revitol regularly.
While Revitol stretch mark cream can seem quite expensive at $39.95 US a bottle, it is definitely much cheaper than a surgical procedure such as tummy tuck or laser therapy. However, with such a price you are quite justified to want to know more about Revitol stretch mark cream before buying it. Well, the best thing about Revitol is that it is 100% herbal and it does not contain any chemicals that can be harmful for your skin or for your baby. Remember, Revitol is specifically produced to use during your pregnancy and for nursing women and therefore every precaution has been taken to make it ultra-safe to be used on sensitive areas of you body.
Before buying any cream, you should read the label very careful. Let us now take a look at the label of Revitol stretch mark cream to see what has gone into its making. Revitol contains essential oils such as squaline and grape seed oil, which help to make the skin soft and supple. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin D3 and vitamin A Palmitate among other things.
While vitamin A and E help the production of collagen, vitamin D3 assists these two vitamins in this process. Collagen and elastin are the skin building components that reside in the dermis level of the skin. Stretch marks appear because these two components tear as a result of excessive pulling. The oils make sure that the vitamins penetrate deep enough into the skin to weave their magic.
Another great aspect of Revitol stretch mark cream is that it can help to lessen old pregnancy scars as well. The unique formulation of this cream regenerates skin tissues and replaces the old tissues with new ones. This way, it constantly boosts the skin to shed the scarred tissues and to develop brand new skin cells. This whole process ensures that your old pregnancy scars will either disappear or will lessen considerably if you start using Revitol regularly.