Here is an interesting sighting from my home state of Texas. Texas, as you may know, is no stranger to UFOs. Check out Texas-Oklahoma Border - Two UFOs Connect, 2012 UFO Reports from Texas, The Levelland, Texas Landings, and the 10 Best Texas Sightings.
Coppell, Texas - 07-31-14
Having trouble sleeping on the night of July 30, 2014, I decided to step outside and watch Netflix on my iPad and smoke a cigarette.
I sat down in one of two patio chairs facing east and put my ear buds in attached to my iPad. This was before midnight.
I lit a cigarette and looked straight ahead at nothing and a blue-white object dashed in from the low horizon (40 degrees above the horizon?) from the east to a spot ahead of me and completely stopped. This arrival took no more than 1 second. After stopping, the light flashed bright white all across the object. It looked like a donut in shape, and the lights appeared to be moving in a clockwork direction.
The lights changed from blue to pink and purple and orange, orange-red, red, etc... in quick succession. The object spread the colors (for instance, the right side would be blue and the other side appeared white or some other color at the same time. It did not appear the same color at the same time and there appeared to be no pattern).
After some 30 seconds, it dropped down beneath the tree line in about a 3 second descent. I just stared the whole time and then realized my iPhone was in my shorts pocket.
I should have videotaped it.
Weird, Strobe-like Lightning
My immediate neighbor to the east of me has trees in the backyard but I thought if I climbed onto the roof, I might be able to see the object again. I managed to climb onto the roof and stood on the crest of the roof but could see nothing. Weird strobe-like lightning was above and to the north of me behind a huge cloud bank as a storm was blowing in from the North. I decided to video where I had seen the light as long as I had the vantage point.
It was during the video play on my iPhone that the object reappeared. It ascended above the tree line and returned to about the same distance away and spot that I had first seen it. This time it appeared to be more circular (ball shaped).
The video is almost 5 minutes long. After it dropped below the tree line again, I somehow got down from the roof without injury, ran inside and woke our daughter's mother (who was not happy to be awakened and told me to leave. I was excited and tried to get her to come out but could not convince her), and went back out to see if it reappeared.
Call to Non-emergency Services
Over the next thirty minutes (and about 4 cigarettes), nothing reappeared. I called Coppell non-emergency number and asked if they had many calls about the lighted object. The operator said they had not. I briefly explained what I saw and gave my name and number. This was about 1:00 am in the morning on the 31st of July. She said she could send out an officer to take a report and that was when I hesitated.
I let her know that if anyone else called in; I could corroborate the story and provide some video from my iPhone. I googled how to report an odd sighting in the sky, called the number on the website, left a message, and received a call this morning asking me to fill out a report and send in the video.
I wish I had not spoken during the video as it diminishes what occurred and wished the video quality was better. My eye caught much better detail and even though there was no moon in sight in the sky, the surroundings that I could see at the time do not appear in the video. Everything looks black except for the lighted object in the sky and you can briefly see street lights and neighbor's lights when I pan the camera around.