A number of caring pet owners, who choose to take care of their dog grooming needs at home, usually share the same common mistakes when embarking on this task. Nobody can argue with the fact that pet grooming is a learned skill, but with a little time and effort it can become a money saving chore. However, there a few precautions that must be made in order to make it safe for you and your dog. A wrong move with the clippers can result in not only physical damage for your dog, but a torn relationship in which trust will be broken.
One of the most common mistakes made by home pet groomers is getting too close to the skin when shaving. The use of the clippers too close to the skin can leave a nasty burn, which may result in infections in the skin with the due course of time. If this where to happen to you accidentally, the right move would be to stop what you're doing and immediately apply first aid. Clean the area thoroughly with sterilized water, then apply some anti-bacterial balm. Try to approach your pet, and let him know you're sorry through hugs, kisses and attention. Your pet might not be able to understand what you're saying, but will read your body language. Being hurt emotionally is just as bad as being hurt physically. Follow up on the burn and if it should continue to get worse, by raining the tone of red or issuing puss, contact your veterinarian for a professional opinion. In some cases it is necessary to use a protective collar in order to protect the wound and prevent the dog from licking it.
One other mistake, which is also very common among pet owners is the dropping shampoo or other irritating chemicals in your pet's eye. Whether you accidentally dropped it in the wrong place, or your pet moves around too much and got it in his eye. This type of accident can also result in an undesirable experience. Your pet's eye could become seriously irritated depending on the chemical. Soak the eyes with sterile water first, use a damp and sloth cloth to also clean the surrounding area and sooth the animal with kind words for a few minutes. Fetch your pet's favorite toy and move it around in front of him to see if he follows with the stare. Look around his eyes as he moves it around for irritation and foreign objects. If you notice a lot of red or a big flow of tears contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
A dangerous mistake commonly made when grooming is to leave your pet loose and unrestrained. Some pets, such as cats, hate water. Taking a bath will not be a pet game they enjoy. If you plan to put your pet in contact with water, make sure he is restrained properly to avoid accidents. In the case of cats, wrap a towel around your hand to protect yourself from scratches. Another good prevention measure would be to mussel your pet in order to prevent any biting from taking place.
Grooming your pet by yourself can be dangerous and it is best when left to a professional. However, it is not an impossible task. Your best bet when attempting to go about this on your own, is to see how it is done with your pet first, then follow up on what you learned.
One of the most common mistakes made by home pet groomers is getting too close to the skin when shaving. The use of the clippers too close to the skin can leave a nasty burn, which may result in infections in the skin with the due course of time. If this where to happen to you accidentally, the right move would be to stop what you're doing and immediately apply first aid. Clean the area thoroughly with sterilized water, then apply some anti-bacterial balm. Try to approach your pet, and let him know you're sorry through hugs, kisses and attention. Your pet might not be able to understand what you're saying, but will read your body language. Being hurt emotionally is just as bad as being hurt physically. Follow up on the burn and if it should continue to get worse, by raining the tone of red or issuing puss, contact your veterinarian for a professional opinion. In some cases it is necessary to use a protective collar in order to protect the wound and prevent the dog from licking it.
One other mistake, which is also very common among pet owners is the dropping shampoo or other irritating chemicals in your pet's eye. Whether you accidentally dropped it in the wrong place, or your pet moves around too much and got it in his eye. This type of accident can also result in an undesirable experience. Your pet's eye could become seriously irritated depending on the chemical. Soak the eyes with sterile water first, use a damp and sloth cloth to also clean the surrounding area and sooth the animal with kind words for a few minutes. Fetch your pet's favorite toy and move it around in front of him to see if he follows with the stare. Look around his eyes as he moves it around for irritation and foreign objects. If you notice a lot of red or a big flow of tears contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
A dangerous mistake commonly made when grooming is to leave your pet loose and unrestrained. Some pets, such as cats, hate water. Taking a bath will not be a pet game they enjoy. If you plan to put your pet in contact with water, make sure he is restrained properly to avoid accidents. In the case of cats, wrap a towel around your hand to protect yourself from scratches. Another good prevention measure would be to mussel your pet in order to prevent any biting from taking place.
Grooming your pet by yourself can be dangerous and it is best when left to a professional. However, it is not an impossible task. Your best bet when attempting to go about this on your own, is to see how it is done with your pet first, then follow up on what you learned.