- 1). Check the skimmer basket for debris if there is low water flow. Debris clogging the basket will hamper the flow of water through the unit.
- 2). Check the pump strainer basket for debris. An obstructed pump strainer basket will reduce water flow.
- 3). Inspect the intake line for any leaks. Leaks in the intake line will affect water flow. Leaks can be found by following any bubbles emanating from the intake line to the pool.
- 4). Check the backwash filter for debris or clogs. Replace the backwash filter if it is clogged or dirty.
- 5). Check the pool for algae if the filters are frequently becoming clogged. If algae is present, super-chlorinate the pool to remove it.
- 6). Inspect the surface of the filter sand for any caking or crust. Remove up to 1 inch of sand that is crusted or caked.
- 7). Check the Vari-Flo valve if the water is not clearing up. Make sure the valve is set to the "Filter" position.
- 8). Increase the flow rate if the pool water is not clearing up. A flow rate that is too low will prevent the filter from clearing the pool water effectively.
- 9). Check the pH, alkaline and chlorine levels of the pool water if the water is not clearing up. Adjust each of these levels if needed.