- 1). Lay vinyl flat on a clean, dry workspace.
- 2). Place paper or card stock over one corner of the vinyl sheet.
- 3). Trace the card stock on the vinyl.
- 4). Cut the 8-1/2 x 11 tracing out of the vinyl sheet.
- 5). Choose shapes and pictures from a free online source (see Resources).
- 6). Place your 8-1/2 x 11 vinyl sheet in the printer's paper feed.
- 7). Print the shapes you selected online.
- 8). If you are not using a laser printer, let the ink set to the vinyl page.
- 9). Outline shapes with black permanent marker if not printed on a laser printer.
- 10
Cut out shapes individually. It is best to cut around the printed or drawn shape, leaving the outline of the shape on the Colorform. - 11
Cling Colorforms to a glass surface such as a window, mirror or other smooth laminate-type surface.