Home Remedies for Sciatica Pain
When one is suffering from sciatica, the pain which comes with it is particularly incapacitating.
It is caused by compression or other irritation of the sciatic nerve which runs through the lower back, thighs and leg. There is stiffness and numbing sensation in the lower back, and generally a shooting pain down one leg, right upto the foot in some cases, making it difficult for the person even to move about. The immediate solution is to take a muscle relaxant, hoping to get pernmanent relief in a day or so, but, once the effect of the relaxant wears out, the pain is back. The remedy therefore, lies in attempting to release the pressure on the nerve by trying out simple home remedies which more often than not, bring about better and longer lasting relief.
Don't Worry – Nature Can Cure Your Sciatica
>> Learn How to allow Nature to cure your Sciatica using Simple Home Remedies
If the pain is mild, and the back is just beginning to get stiff, a simple hot water bag on the back is a good remedy. This can be followed by a gentle massage with any ointment containing oil of wintergreen, the chemical responsible for bringing about relief being methyl salicylate. Alternatively, a sacral belt continuously worn around the lower body would also suffice.
However, if there is more acute pain, then there are other home remedies as well, which will bring about relaxation of the nerves. Some of these which need to be taken orally, are :
- The juice of potatoes and celery leaves, combined with carrot and beetroot juice
10 ounces daily.
- Vitamin B1 supplements or foods containing this vitamin, for soothing the nerves
Eg. Green peas, lentils, nuts, beans, bananas, soy, garlic in any form, etc:
- Elderberry juice or elderberry tea - alternatively – chamomile tea
Other forms of treatment consist of mild stretching exercises, a couple of which are described below:
- Sit on the floor with the unaffected leg outstretched before you.
Hold the ankle of the other leg and bring it up towards your chest.
Hold this position for 5 seconds, and repeat the exercise 5 times
- Stand and cross your right foot in front of the left foot. Slowly bend so
that your forehead comes close to your right knee. Hold for 10 seconds, relax
and repeat 5 times.
Poultices made of various substances, such as flaxseed, horseradish, mustard seeds, etc. can also be applied on the affected part of the back with great advantage.
Walking and swimming are also recommended forms of exercise in sciatica cases, since movement of any sort is a must in order to relieve the compression of the nerve if any, and to relieve the pain.
Thus, it is seen that there are a number of home remedies available for sciatica, and one would do well to try these out before contemplating other drug therapy or surgery.
When one is suffering from sciatica, the pain which comes with it is particularly incapacitating.
It is caused by compression or other irritation of the sciatic nerve which runs through the lower back, thighs and leg. There is stiffness and numbing sensation in the lower back, and generally a shooting pain down one leg, right upto the foot in some cases, making it difficult for the person even to move about. The immediate solution is to take a muscle relaxant, hoping to get pernmanent relief in a day or so, but, once the effect of the relaxant wears out, the pain is back. The remedy therefore, lies in attempting to release the pressure on the nerve by trying out simple home remedies which more often than not, bring about better and longer lasting relief.
Don't Worry – Nature Can Cure Your Sciatica
>> Learn How to allow Nature to cure your Sciatica using Simple Home Remedies
If the pain is mild, and the back is just beginning to get stiff, a simple hot water bag on the back is a good remedy. This can be followed by a gentle massage with any ointment containing oil of wintergreen, the chemical responsible for bringing about relief being methyl salicylate. Alternatively, a sacral belt continuously worn around the lower body would also suffice.
However, if there is more acute pain, then there are other home remedies as well, which will bring about relaxation of the nerves. Some of these which need to be taken orally, are :
- The juice of potatoes and celery leaves, combined with carrot and beetroot juice
10 ounces daily.
- Vitamin B1 supplements or foods containing this vitamin, for soothing the nerves
Eg. Green peas, lentils, nuts, beans, bananas, soy, garlic in any form, etc:
- Elderberry juice or elderberry tea - alternatively – chamomile tea
Other forms of treatment consist of mild stretching exercises, a couple of which are described below:
- Sit on the floor with the unaffected leg outstretched before you.
Hold the ankle of the other leg and bring it up towards your chest.
Hold this position for 5 seconds, and repeat the exercise 5 times
- Stand and cross your right foot in front of the left foot. Slowly bend so
that your forehead comes close to your right knee. Hold for 10 seconds, relax
and repeat 5 times.
Poultices made of various substances, such as flaxseed, horseradish, mustard seeds, etc. can also be applied on the affected part of the back with great advantage.
Walking and swimming are also recommended forms of exercise in sciatica cases, since movement of any sort is a must in order to relieve the compression of the nerve if any, and to relieve the pain.
Thus, it is seen that there are a number of home remedies available for sciatica, and one would do well to try these out before contemplating other drug therapy or surgery.