Bible readers are very much aware of the existence of Our Lady, or Mary, the mother of God, the mother of Jesus.
When you consider the many pages contained within the New Testament, though, very little is mentioned of the life of Mary.
All we basically know about her through the Bible is her association with certain highlights of Jesus' life: Jesus' birth, his ministry, his crucifixion, his resurrection, and his apostles.
Catholics say that we know a lot more about Our Lady than is mentioned in the Bible.
For 2000 years, they say, she is reputed to have appeared to certain people here on earth, looking just like any normal person.
Also, she is said to have responded to thousands of prayers said to her Son, prayers that have been answered through her intercession on our behalf.
Our Lady, then, is held in high regard by Catholics, though she is not considered on a par with God as many non-Catholics accuse the Catholics of promoting.
She is merely held in great reverence as her status demands: she is the mother of God.
2000 years of tradition and documented miraculous occurrences all attest to her mediating between God and man.
There have been many notable apparitions of Our Lady throughout the last 2000 years.
Reputable witnesses all attest to the veracity of these events, so they cannot be easily dismissed.
In 1917, for example, she appeared to three shepherdesses on a monthly basis.
Of course, these regular occurrences attracted a huge following of curious onlookers, until at the final apparition in October 1917 some 70,000 witnessed a tremendous event whereby the sun 'danced' in an unnatural way and threatened to fall down to earth.
Since June 1981 until the present day visionaries in Medjugorje, Bosnia claim daily apparitions of Our Lady.
Thousands of apparitions, then, have been occurring here over some 26 years - an unheard of regularity within Catholic Church history.
Millions of visitors have been attracted to Medjugorje during those years, all seeking an association with Our Lady and being brought closer to God.
Many who visit there talk about the peace that exists there, like no where else on earth.
The devotion of the inhabitants of Medjugorje is very noticeable.
They pray and fast daily, setting an excellent example to us all of the service we should give to God.
Many visitors here follow suit, ultimately changing their lives by reciting daily prayer and regularly fasting with the intention of doing so for the rest of their lives.
All are following the requests of Our Lady who asks for prayer and fasting for the atonement of our sins.
People of all denominations: Catholics, Protestants, Moslems are flocking to Medjugorje, heeding the call of Our Lady to reconcile with God and man.
When you consider the many pages contained within the New Testament, though, very little is mentioned of the life of Mary.
All we basically know about her through the Bible is her association with certain highlights of Jesus' life: Jesus' birth, his ministry, his crucifixion, his resurrection, and his apostles.
Catholics say that we know a lot more about Our Lady than is mentioned in the Bible.
For 2000 years, they say, she is reputed to have appeared to certain people here on earth, looking just like any normal person.
Also, she is said to have responded to thousands of prayers said to her Son, prayers that have been answered through her intercession on our behalf.
Our Lady, then, is held in high regard by Catholics, though she is not considered on a par with God as many non-Catholics accuse the Catholics of promoting.
She is merely held in great reverence as her status demands: she is the mother of God.
2000 years of tradition and documented miraculous occurrences all attest to her mediating between God and man.
There have been many notable apparitions of Our Lady throughout the last 2000 years.
Reputable witnesses all attest to the veracity of these events, so they cannot be easily dismissed.
In 1917, for example, she appeared to three shepherdesses on a monthly basis.
Of course, these regular occurrences attracted a huge following of curious onlookers, until at the final apparition in October 1917 some 70,000 witnessed a tremendous event whereby the sun 'danced' in an unnatural way and threatened to fall down to earth.
Since June 1981 until the present day visionaries in Medjugorje, Bosnia claim daily apparitions of Our Lady.
Thousands of apparitions, then, have been occurring here over some 26 years - an unheard of regularity within Catholic Church history.
Millions of visitors have been attracted to Medjugorje during those years, all seeking an association with Our Lady and being brought closer to God.
Many who visit there talk about the peace that exists there, like no where else on earth.
The devotion of the inhabitants of Medjugorje is very noticeable.
They pray and fast daily, setting an excellent example to us all of the service we should give to God.
Many visitors here follow suit, ultimately changing their lives by reciting daily prayer and regularly fasting with the intention of doing so for the rest of their lives.
All are following the requests of Our Lady who asks for prayer and fasting for the atonement of our sins.
People of all denominations: Catholics, Protestants, Moslems are flocking to Medjugorje, heeding the call of Our Lady to reconcile with God and man.