Home & Garden Home Appliances

Why You Need to Consider Whole House Water Filters

A few years ago whole house water filters were seen as a sort of luxury--not something you absolutely need.
In light of the information that's come out recently about the quality of our municipal water supplies, that's all changed.
Of all the things in our environment that impact our health, the water we drink might be the most important.
Our bodies essentially run on water.
Virtually all of the complex chemical processes that make your body work depend on water.
Your liver is 96% water! No wonder, then, that the quality of our tap water has become such an issue! Why You Need to Filter Your Water at Home In case you're not convinced you even need a water filter, let me take a few minutes to tell you a few things you might not have thought about.
The tap water you and I drink is very likely to be contaminated with any of the following: organic bacterium and viruses and/or toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
The list of impurities in our water is huge.
Pesticides are routinely found in the water of major American cities.
A study of 29 cities was done recently that found pesticides in all of their water supplies! Some of those cities had two or more pesticides present in their water.
Besides pesticides, you can routinely find prescription drugs, toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, and even carcinogens caused by the combination of chlorine with the organic material the chlorine was supposed to kill! Chlorine itself has been linked to the rise in cancers that has occurred over the past hundred years.
And, in case you're thinking you'll just stick to bottled water...
I'm sorry to say, it's not much better, if any.
Most bottled water is just tap water with a lot of fancy marketing and advertising behind it.
If the water has not been transported across state lines, then there are no federal regulations that cover it in the first place! Filtering and purifying your own water is a necessity in today's world! Why You Need a Whole House Filter When most of us think about home water filters, we don't think about whole house water filters, but those individual units you attach to one tap, or even those pitchers that you use to filter drinking water.
Individual filters are much, much better than nothing.
But if you're filtering your drinking water, why would you not filter your cooking water, too? After all, just because you heat water to a boiling point doesn't mean you're purifying it.
You can heat traces of prescription drugs and lead that are often found in our water all you want--they're still going to be there, and they're still going to be ingested by you and your family.
Okay, so I've probably convinced you to filter both your drinking water and your cooking water.
But I bet you might not have thought about the necessity of filtering the water you shower and bathe in.
Your skin is actually your body's largest organ.
Our skin both releases toxins through our pores, and lets toxins into our bodies through our pores.
When you take a hot shower, your pores open up, and all of those toxins and impurities in the shower water are free to infiltrate your body through your skin! What's the Answer? The only answer is whole house water filters! There are several on the market, some better than others.
What you need to do now is to find a reliable website where you can learn more.
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