Birth defects include external and internal congenital malformations, mental defects and abnormalities in growth; these are some of the causes to these defects: - Taking pain medication that is unauthorized for women during pregnancy and especially during the first five months.
- The exposure of the pregnant woman to X-rays is harmful to the fetus.
- The excessive use of cosmetics is harmful to the fetus, especially during the first five months, such as dyes, perfumes, Kohl and other cosmetics.
- Wearing tight clothes should be avoided during pregnancy because these clothes may press on the fetus in dangerous places such as the head of the baby, leading to poor growth.
- Maternal smoking is one of the most dangerous factors causing fetal abnormalities.
Passive smoking can also lead to fetal defects.
- Malnutrition of the mother may cause birth defects such as calcium deficiency, which leads to a fetal seizures and neurological convulsions.
- The mother neglect to take the necessary doses of folic acid, which protects the fetus from the malformations.
- Sitting in front of the TV screen for a very long periods at a close range (less than three meters).
- The presence of defects in the husband sperm with a high percentage leads to improper fertilization of the fetus.
- Eating a lot of delivery food and processed foods.
- The continual exposure of the mother to pollution, such as mothers who are employed in factories.
Inhalation of motor vehicle exhaust, especially in the first months of pregnancy is very dangerous to the central nervous system of the fetus.
- The exposure of the pregnant woman to X-rays is harmful to the fetus.
- The excessive use of cosmetics is harmful to the fetus, especially during the first five months, such as dyes, perfumes, Kohl and other cosmetics.
- Wearing tight clothes should be avoided during pregnancy because these clothes may press on the fetus in dangerous places such as the head of the baby, leading to poor growth.
- Maternal smoking is one of the most dangerous factors causing fetal abnormalities.
Passive smoking can also lead to fetal defects.
- Malnutrition of the mother may cause birth defects such as calcium deficiency, which leads to a fetal seizures and neurological convulsions.
- The mother neglect to take the necessary doses of folic acid, which protects the fetus from the malformations.
- Sitting in front of the TV screen for a very long periods at a close range (less than three meters).
- The presence of defects in the husband sperm with a high percentage leads to improper fertilization of the fetus.
- Eating a lot of delivery food and processed foods.
- The continual exposure of the mother to pollution, such as mothers who are employed in factories.
Inhalation of motor vehicle exhaust, especially in the first months of pregnancy is very dangerous to the central nervous system of the fetus.