Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Learn the Best Times to Photograph Birds

Bird photography is a popular hobby, and many birders enjoy photographing the birds they see. There are good birds to photograph at all times, but some times of the day and year are better than others for dramatic, stunning bird photos.

Why Timing Matters

Timing is essential for capturing great bird photos, and there are several things birders need to watch for to get the best possible photos…
  • Light Quantity: The light needs to be bright enough to capture the details of the bird clearly, but not so overly bright as to wash out the finer details of the bird's markings and plumage. This is especially true with white birds.

  • Light Color: Different times of day have colorful light, such as the golden light of sunrise or the reddish light of late sunset. Those colors can help create remarkable photos but can also discolor birds' plumage.
  • Bird Activity: Active, energetic birds can be more challenging to photograph, but it can also be worthwhile to capture unique behaviors. More advanced equipment and techniques may be needed to "freeze" birds in photos, however.

While these factors can dramatically impact the quality of bird photos, bird photographers also need to remember all the basic principles of good photography, such as framing, composition, proper equipment and the appropriate techniques for outdoor photography.

Best Times of Day to Photograph Birds

Whenever a bird is seen, it can be photographed, and for some birders, any photograph can be a great way to record a bird sighting, verify identification or just preserve fun birding memories. For sharper, more dramatic, frame-worthy photographs, however, there are certain times of the day when the results can be better.

  • Sunrise and Sunset: For dramatic light, it's impossible to beat sunrise and sunset shots. The sky changes color rapidly and photos taken just a few minutes apart may show blue-black, purple, gold, red, orange or pink hues. Because these are also some of birds' most active times, it is possible to get stunning action shots of birds feeding, singing or flying set against these colorful backgrounds.
  • Morning: Throughout the morning, birds are active and can present a range of beautiful photography possibilities. As the daylight rises but the sun is still relatively low in the morning, birder-photographers can easily position themselves for good lighting that will highlight bird's realistic colors and fine markings without distorting general hues.
  • Evening: Birds are also active in the evening as they stock up on food and prepare for the night, bringing them to food and water sources for easy photography. While decreasing light levels can be a challenge to photograph, it can be worthwhile to capture crepuscular species throughout the fleeting minutes of twilight.
  • Mealtimes: Birds often visit food sources at predictable times, and knowing when birds eat can give birders a heads up about where and when to be situated for good photography prospects. This is particularly useful for photographing backyard birds or for visiting feeding stations at refuges or nature preserves.
  • Overcast Afternoons: While birds may not be as active in mid-afternoon, if the skies are overcast, the light can be very useful for great photography. It is bright enough for clear images, but without glare that would wash out intimate details.

Best Times of Year to Photograph Birds

Just as there are always birds to photograph throughout the day, there are also great birds to photograph throughout the year, but some parts of the year offer better bird photography opportunities.
  • Spring: Birds are wearing their brightest, freshest, most colorful breeding plumage in spring, making them more photogenic. Photographers can also capture great behaviors in spring, including unique courtship rituals, singing birds and nesting activities.
  • Autumn: While autumn plumage may not be as stunning as spring garb, the subtle colorations of non-breeding birds is still attractive, and photos can be very helpful for identifying confusing fall birds. Unique fall behaviors to watch for include birds caching food for winter use, as well as how young birds grow and mature through the season.
  • Migration: Migration periods are not only great for birding, but they are also great for bird photography. Understanding how spring and fall migration differ can help birders decide when to take advantage of migration for the photos they want, such as surprising spring fallouts or phenomenal fall flocks.

The exact time of year to take the best pictures of birds varies depending on the location, geographic features and what birds a photographer wants to target, but there are always great photographic times to be had.

Special Times for Bird Photography

Certain circumstances lend themselves to amazing bird photography, no matter when they occur during the year.
  • Before Storms: When a major storm front approaches, local birds can sense the impending weather shifts and may be unusually active. As they forage in preparation for the storm, they may be less wary and allow very intimate photographs.

    Note: Photographers should always be aware of their own safety when taking pictures before a storm. Weather can change abruptly, and it is important to take all necessary precautions to stay safe.
  • Vagrant Sightings: When a rare bird appears, birders may want to take photos of it, regardless of whether the light is right or the background is beautiful.

    Note: Always put the safety of the birds above any photos, and avoid stressing or endangering vagrant birds that are already in unfamiliar territories.
  • Captive Birds: Zoos and aviaries present amazing opportunities to photograph rare or exotic species, and regular shows or presentations can provide close-up portrait options as well.

    Note: Follow proper bird photography ethics and candidly disclose when photos are of captive birds.

No matter when a birder chooses to photograph birds, it is possible to create amazing works of photographic avian art. By understanding the best times to photograph birds, however, even novice photographers can take some photos they will be proud to show off, and any birder can enjoy the rewards of capturing birds with a camera.

Learn more about bird photography with the Bird Photography Field Guide and National Geographic Photographing Birds.

Photo – Red-Winged Blackbird Silhouette © Theodore Scott
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