As a man, you would naturally want to be the kind of guy that women find irresistible, right? You want to have women vying to get your attention regardless of what your financial status is or what kind of job you hold. You want to have the kind of raw sex appeal that women automatically gravitate to. In short, you want to develop alpha male characteristics.
Women just cannot resist an alpha male's presence, so if you want to increase your success with women, then you'll have to transform yourself into that kind of guy. And in order to do so, you'll have to learn what the basic alpha male characteristics are. Following is a quick discussion on what characterizes an alpha male.
Women are naturally attracted to men who take on leadership like a second skin. This characteristic is easily shown in the way you carry yourself. A true leader always stands tall with his head held high and his shoulders kept back. A true leader never slouches; nor does he ever act nervous around any woman, even one he finds most attractive. When an alpha male speaks, he shows leadership by speaking clearly and in a tone that suggests he expects to be believed by anyone who's listening.
As suggested by the first characteristic, an alpha male is also very confident and self-assured. This is, in fact, what sets him apart from other members of the male species. He puts a high social value on himself and naturally expects everyone else to do the same.
Sense of Humour
Although they place a high value on themselves, alpha males do not take themselves too seriously. Teasing and joking comes easily to them and they know how to have a good time. If you want to develop alpha male characteristics, then one of the things you should learn is how to deliver jokes in a relaxed manner. Women just love men who can make them laugh.
Many guys approach an attractive woman and then start trying to impress her. This is probably the worst thing you can do. Trying to impress comes off as neediness, a trait that women find very unattractive. If you want to be an alpha male, you will have to send the unspoken message that the woman needs you more than you need her. You should act and speak in a manner that says, "It would be nice to have you in my life, but it won't hurt me if that doesn't happen." Women respect men who aren't needy and find them doubly attractive.
Now you know what the basic alpha male characteristics are. What happens next is up to you. Remember that an integral part of adopting alpha male characteristics is being genuine, so you'll really have to adopt these characteristics and make them part of your personality rather than just pretending to have them. Any guy can become an alpha male, but you'll have to put a little effort into it. The good thing is that the results are well worth the effort.
Women just cannot resist an alpha male's presence, so if you want to increase your success with women, then you'll have to transform yourself into that kind of guy. And in order to do so, you'll have to learn what the basic alpha male characteristics are. Following is a quick discussion on what characterizes an alpha male.
Women are naturally attracted to men who take on leadership like a second skin. This characteristic is easily shown in the way you carry yourself. A true leader always stands tall with his head held high and his shoulders kept back. A true leader never slouches; nor does he ever act nervous around any woman, even one he finds most attractive. When an alpha male speaks, he shows leadership by speaking clearly and in a tone that suggests he expects to be believed by anyone who's listening.
As suggested by the first characteristic, an alpha male is also very confident and self-assured. This is, in fact, what sets him apart from other members of the male species. He puts a high social value on himself and naturally expects everyone else to do the same.
Sense of Humour
Although they place a high value on themselves, alpha males do not take themselves too seriously. Teasing and joking comes easily to them and they know how to have a good time. If you want to develop alpha male characteristics, then one of the things you should learn is how to deliver jokes in a relaxed manner. Women just love men who can make them laugh.
Many guys approach an attractive woman and then start trying to impress her. This is probably the worst thing you can do. Trying to impress comes off as neediness, a trait that women find very unattractive. If you want to be an alpha male, you will have to send the unspoken message that the woman needs you more than you need her. You should act and speak in a manner that says, "It would be nice to have you in my life, but it won't hurt me if that doesn't happen." Women respect men who aren't needy and find them doubly attractive.
Now you know what the basic alpha male characteristics are. What happens next is up to you. Remember that an integral part of adopting alpha male characteristics is being genuine, so you'll really have to adopt these characteristics and make them part of your personality rather than just pretending to have them. Any guy can become an alpha male, but you'll have to put a little effort into it. The good thing is that the results are well worth the effort.