- Trophysteel trophy image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.com
Work can become monotonous and stressful, and an ideal way to break out of this is by using humor. Holding an office function or meeting where the company presents funny awards can add the little bit of lightness and fun to put employees in good spirits. Adding some laughter and humor to a regular workday can help increase both productivity and employee morale. Be sure to keep the awards appropriate, keeping in mind that though the event should be funny, it should also maintain a level of professionalism. - There is always that office employee that often makes his way to the coffee room and perfects a brew three, four and five times a day. Honor this break room barista with a special award recognizing his coffee-making skills. This will likely get a laugh from the crowd and still remain good natured, not getting anyone in trouble with the boss. For an extra touch, give the award recipient a bag of coffee grounds or a new coffee mug.
- In a work environment, you will typically have one or two people that know how to turn on the drama and make even the most mundane of tasks and presentations an Oscar-worthy performance. Show your appreciation for these entertaining bits of drama in the workweek with a best actor award. Along with the award, present to the winner a toy microphone or megaphone, as a means of sharing the drama with people in the offices and cubicles the next room over.
- For the smooth talker in the office that can always come through in a pinch or scrape by, offer her the Ace in the Hole award. This award pokes fun at the winner's ability to always squeak by and come through in the last minute and, at the same time, thanks her, in a humorous way, for her ability to pull something off in the end. Along with the award, present the winner with some golf tees and golf balls to drive the award home.
Best Coffee Barista
Best Actor
Ace in the Hole