- Matthew 12:22-23 states that all sins can be forgiven except for rejecting the power of the Holy Spirit when it becomes evident that he is displaying this power. God uses the Holy Spirit to convict unbelievers of their sins and he accomplishes this purpose by constantly pointing people to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is also responsible for empowering people to be able to live the Christian life. When the Holy Spirit clearly reveals to an individual that Jesus Christ is the savior of mankind but they reject this truth; they will not be forgiven for their unbelief. God will no longer allow them to have an opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ, and they will die in their sins.
- Salvation is a gift and according to the Christian Bible, Jesus Chris is the only person that is able to offer people this blessing from God. People that do not accept this gift of salvation or who turn back from serving Jesus Christ will not be able to renew their commitment to him ever again. Hebrews 6:4-8 tells us that they crucify Christ once again and are ashamed of him. This means that people who were once saved cannot be saved a second time because they never really believed that they were better off being a Christian. Their fate for rejecting Christ will be a life that is worse than an unbeliever because God tells them in 2 Peter 2: 21: "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed unto them."
- Revelation 21: 24-25 clearly states that cowards who turn away from serving him will have their place in the Lake of Fire. Judas Iscariot was a coward that turned back from serving Christ and he was one of Jesus' originally Twelve Apostles. He experienced the miracles and saving power of Jesus first hand but he didn't believe that Jesus was the Son of God who could save people from their sins. He rejected Jesus Christ by betraying him to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver and because of Judas' betrayal, Christ was crucified on a cross. God already knew this was going to happen and he used this event to make Christ a sacrifice that would save the world from their sins. Judas Iscariot was sent to his own place in hell for rejecting Jesus Christ. This helps to explain what is going to happen to people that once serve Christ, but then turn away from serving him.
- Romans 1:18-32 points out that people who reject Christ will be given over to their sins. These sins include sexual immorality, idolatry, gossiping, being filled with strife and anger and ruthlessness. This particular chapter of the Bible also tells us that God makes it clear to people through their conscience, through nature and through his own personal witness (in their hearts) who he is but people still reject his truth. Punishment for people who reject Jesus Christ in this life time includes God abandoning them to their sin.
Rejecting the Holy Spirit
Denying the Gift of Salvation
Betraying Jesus
Abandoned to a Sinner's Life