Strong, tough and versatile are the three key ingredients when choosing camping cookware. Two materials seem to stand the test of time better than home cookware are stainless steel and enamel camping cookware. The durable material of steel and enamel stand up to the rigors of outdoor cooking and will outlast any typical kitchen cookware. The worst thing that can happen is that you damage your kitchen cookware and have to eat cold food combinations the rest of your camping trip.
Non-stick coatings are also a big no-no when choosing cookware for camping purposes, as camping stoves do not cook the same as your kitchen range. Once burnt the coating and the pan are no longer usable and quite possibly adds toxins to any food cooked in them.
The Design Of Camping Cookware Is Essential
Tight fitting lids and the ability to nest inside each other are important factors when selecting camping cookware. Lids help reduce cooking time and nesting saves on packing space. Our advice is to look for good quality stainless steel or enamel camping cookware that includes lids in the set and also can nest. This may seem to be a tall order to fill, but you’d be surprised how creative and thoughtful manufacturers of cookware for camping already are!
Materials Choice In Camping Cookware
Stainless Steel and Titanium
Both these materials are strong and durable plus they tend to clean-up easily. The disadvantages to both of these materials is that heat does not distribute evenly over the pan, plus they tend to heat rapidly causing food to burn or cook to quickly and unevenly. Of the two stainless steel cookware for camping is a better choice, as it’s readily available, very durable and if watched closely, burning food can be avoided.
Cast Iron Camping Cookware
Cast Iron heats evenly and slower than other materials, allowing for food to cook thoroughly. The disadvantages of cast iron are of course its weight, but if you are family camping in one spot – then weight is not that big of a deal. When well maintained, cast iron camping cookware can last a lifetime!
Enamel Camping Cookware
Enamel cookware provides an inherently nonstick surface, great for outdoor cooking. Because enamel does not react with food, it is considered a very safe cooking material. Enamel camping cookware, plates and bowls that have an inner aluminum core need to be handled with more care than traditionally manufactured enamel cookware as to not dent, chip or crack the enamel surface. Exposing the aluminum core will damage the cookware beyond safe use – see Aluminum Cookware For Camping.
Aluminum Cookware For Camping
Aluminum should be your last choice as it heats quickly, unevenly and it’s hard to clean. Aluminum is the most lightweight choice, but you give up durability for weight. Many agencies (both government and independent) have cautioned against using aluminum for cooking purposes as it is more reactive to food and can possibly be linked to several health issues.
Final Thoughts On Camping Cookware
Depending on your camping cooking style and individual tastes (lots of stews, soups or pan frying), you can find camping cookware that is suited to you, as there are many choices, styles and manufacturers. Yet take in to consideration - a combination of cookware materials maybe the best choice depending upon what’s on the menu!
Non-stick coatings are also a big no-no when choosing cookware for camping purposes, as camping stoves do not cook the same as your kitchen range. Once burnt the coating and the pan are no longer usable and quite possibly adds toxins to any food cooked in them.
The Design Of Camping Cookware Is Essential
Tight fitting lids and the ability to nest inside each other are important factors when selecting camping cookware. Lids help reduce cooking time and nesting saves on packing space. Our advice is to look for good quality stainless steel or enamel camping cookware that includes lids in the set and also can nest. This may seem to be a tall order to fill, but you’d be surprised how creative and thoughtful manufacturers of cookware for camping already are!
Materials Choice In Camping Cookware
Stainless Steel and Titanium
Both these materials are strong and durable plus they tend to clean-up easily. The disadvantages to both of these materials is that heat does not distribute evenly over the pan, plus they tend to heat rapidly causing food to burn or cook to quickly and unevenly. Of the two stainless steel cookware for camping is a better choice, as it’s readily available, very durable and if watched closely, burning food can be avoided.
Cast Iron Camping Cookware
Cast Iron heats evenly and slower than other materials, allowing for food to cook thoroughly. The disadvantages of cast iron are of course its weight, but if you are family camping in one spot – then weight is not that big of a deal. When well maintained, cast iron camping cookware can last a lifetime!
Enamel Camping Cookware
Enamel cookware provides an inherently nonstick surface, great for outdoor cooking. Because enamel does not react with food, it is considered a very safe cooking material. Enamel camping cookware, plates and bowls that have an inner aluminum core need to be handled with more care than traditionally manufactured enamel cookware as to not dent, chip or crack the enamel surface. Exposing the aluminum core will damage the cookware beyond safe use – see Aluminum Cookware For Camping.
Aluminum Cookware For Camping
Aluminum should be your last choice as it heats quickly, unevenly and it’s hard to clean. Aluminum is the most lightweight choice, but you give up durability for weight. Many agencies (both government and independent) have cautioned against using aluminum for cooking purposes as it is more reactive to food and can possibly be linked to several health issues.
Final Thoughts On Camping Cookware
Depending on your camping cooking style and individual tastes (lots of stews, soups or pan frying), you can find camping cookware that is suited to you, as there are many choices, styles and manufacturers. Yet take in to consideration - a combination of cookware materials maybe the best choice depending upon what’s on the menu!