There have been many times when I have experienced bloggers block.
What I mean by that is that I cannot think of any new topics to write about.
So in effect, bloggers block is writers blog.
Even if your blog is about an area that you have expertise in, there will be times when you are struggling to come up with new posts.
This isn't such a big problem when you blog as a hobby, but if your blog is a source of income for you, this can be an extremely frustrating and costly issue.
So how do you avoid bloggers block? There are probably a lot more ways to help with this but these 5 methods have helped me out a lot in the past, hopefully they help you also.
) Identify Your Power Hours Are you a morning person or a night owl? What time of the day do you feel most productive? When trying to stop bloggers block it is important to identify when you work best.
If your mind is much clearer in the mornings, it is probably not the best idea to be blogging at 11 o'clock at night.
You are a lot more likely to think of an idea if you can identify your power hours and post blogs at this time.
) Ask For Comments The best way to find out about what people want to read is to ask them! You could ask your friends and family to take a look at your blog and give you some topic suggestions.
What's also great is that you can ask your readers to comment on what they would like you to blog on.
This will help your blog stay relevant with your readers and or potential customers.
) Stick To What You Know This is especially true if you are hoping to make some money from blogging.
Although you may have a hundred different ideas about all sorts of topics, it does not mean that you should write about all of them in your blog.
Pick a topic that you have a lot of expertise in and stick to writing about that particular subject.
One of the main reasons why you should do this is that it makes your blog more appealing to readers.
If your blog posts are about gardening one day and bowling the next, the reader finds it much harder to follow and as a result they may become disinterested.
Also if you have a lot of knowledge on a particular topic, you will be more likely to think of things to post about.
) Subscribe to Newsletters Are there websites which are relevant to your blog subject? Many sites offer a newsletter subscription which is very often free.
Sign up to this and read the posts regularly.
This could help your own creative juices start flowing and gives you a good indication of what people are currently talking about in your chosen industry.
) Take Some Time Off OK, so if you are relying on your blog to earn a living you may not be able to take too much time off, but sometimes even a short amount of time can prove to be really beneficial in the end.
If you are sitting in front of your computer and cannot think of one thing you want to post about, it's time to take a break.
Take a couple of days off and try to focus on something else, you will probably find that as soon as you are not thinking about it, a topic pops up in your mind.
Anyone who says they haven't had bloggers block is just plain lying or hasn't experience yet.
At some point I am almost certain that they will, it is just part of the game.
The most important thing is to identify methods which can minimise it.
What ways do you use to stop bloggers block? Comment below.
Until next time, Nadine
What I mean by that is that I cannot think of any new topics to write about.
So in effect, bloggers block is writers blog.
Even if your blog is about an area that you have expertise in, there will be times when you are struggling to come up with new posts.
This isn't such a big problem when you blog as a hobby, but if your blog is a source of income for you, this can be an extremely frustrating and costly issue.
So how do you avoid bloggers block? There are probably a lot more ways to help with this but these 5 methods have helped me out a lot in the past, hopefully they help you also.
) Identify Your Power Hours Are you a morning person or a night owl? What time of the day do you feel most productive? When trying to stop bloggers block it is important to identify when you work best.
If your mind is much clearer in the mornings, it is probably not the best idea to be blogging at 11 o'clock at night.
You are a lot more likely to think of an idea if you can identify your power hours and post blogs at this time.
) Ask For Comments The best way to find out about what people want to read is to ask them! You could ask your friends and family to take a look at your blog and give you some topic suggestions.
What's also great is that you can ask your readers to comment on what they would like you to blog on.
This will help your blog stay relevant with your readers and or potential customers.
) Stick To What You Know This is especially true if you are hoping to make some money from blogging.
Although you may have a hundred different ideas about all sorts of topics, it does not mean that you should write about all of them in your blog.
Pick a topic that you have a lot of expertise in and stick to writing about that particular subject.
One of the main reasons why you should do this is that it makes your blog more appealing to readers.
If your blog posts are about gardening one day and bowling the next, the reader finds it much harder to follow and as a result they may become disinterested.
Also if you have a lot of knowledge on a particular topic, you will be more likely to think of things to post about.
) Subscribe to Newsletters Are there websites which are relevant to your blog subject? Many sites offer a newsletter subscription which is very often free.
Sign up to this and read the posts regularly.
This could help your own creative juices start flowing and gives you a good indication of what people are currently talking about in your chosen industry.
) Take Some Time Off OK, so if you are relying on your blog to earn a living you may not be able to take too much time off, but sometimes even a short amount of time can prove to be really beneficial in the end.
If you are sitting in front of your computer and cannot think of one thing you want to post about, it's time to take a break.
Take a couple of days off and try to focus on something else, you will probably find that as soon as you are not thinking about it, a topic pops up in your mind.
Anyone who says they haven't had bloggers block is just plain lying or hasn't experience yet.
At some point I am almost certain that they will, it is just part of the game.
The most important thing is to identify methods which can minimise it.
What ways do you use to stop bloggers block? Comment below.
Until next time, Nadine