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Breast Feeding Help - How to Breastfeed in Public

There is one daunting question all mothers must ask themselves, What do I do when I want to go OUT!  Yes, maternity leave has been great, but half of the fun of having the new baby is hearing everyone oo and ah about how cute your little one is.
  You start daydreaming about the little outfits you'll put on him and then you realize, he still eats every two or three hours!  Fear not, you are not confined to you house, and you don't have to resort to bottle-feeding while you're out and about.
  Breast feeding help is on its way, I'm here to share some tips on breast feeding in public.
Don't freak out, you're not the first to do this!  There have been babies as long as there have been people and babies need to eat.
  Until 50 years ago, formula didn't even exist so women breastfed wherever they were!  I know it might seem strange to pull out your intimates in public, but you're not the first one and you wont be the last.
Find an EXCELLENT Nursing bra.
  You don't want to have to half-strip down in the middle of the mall just to feed your child.
  Nursing bras are designed to keep most of your clothes on, while you're breastfeeding and only let one breast or even just the nipple come out so you can feed.
  I would suggest going to a specialist in sizing too because you know your breasts have changed since this little one came around.
Ignore the funny looks.
  Seriously, there are a lot of people who just don't understand how urgently a baby needs to eat when it needs to eat.
  The first time you try it there will almost inevitably be some old woman or some teenage boy who thinks that breastfeeding in public is the strangest thing they've ever seen in their lives.
  Ignore them.
  Your child's nutrition is more important than their wandering eyes.
Find a comfortable spot.
  Especially if your child is a long eater, sitting in some boring corner with a plastic plant sticking out in front of you is not the most fun way to spend the 45 minutes it takes for your baby to sate himself.
  I would suggest the lounge-vibrating chairs, but that's just me.
  Another good spot is the dressing rooms in clothing stores.
  Most of the time the ladies in those stores (especially Maternity) will let you do basically whatever you want in there and you wont be as concerned about accidentally flashing someone.
And last but not least, RELAX.
  Most people wont even notice what you're doing.
  I sat and had a half hour conversation with a woman who only realized I was feeding my child when he un-latched.
  She had thought he was just sleeping on my lap.
So get out there, have fun, and don't worry about feeding your kid, its natural and beautiful.
Read More Breast Feeding Help Tips Here!
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