Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The Basic Behind Better Health

Today I'm going to share with you the basics behind many of my most successful healing programs.
This basic understanding is what leads to healing snoring, TMJ, Tooth grinding, neck problems, dizziness and vertigo, migraine and headaches, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, Fibromyalgia and even high blood pressure.
If the basics behind these simple programs are understood, the same knowledge can be taken and used to work on several other conditions by yourself.
What is the basic body function ? Muscles move the bones by orders from the nerves.
What if the nerves do not order the muscles to move the bones? The muscles stay still, normally.
Thus, relaxed muscles will stay so until they are told by connecting nerves to create tension to move some bones.
Naturally the muscles will stay stiff if they are tense, until told to relax by the nerves.
Usually this system works extremely well.
The problem is when for some reason the muscles stay either tense or unused for a long period of time.
The most common problem are back and neck problems.
But the fact is that most health problems are probably at least partly caused by chronic tension in some muscles.
Muscle tension can give rise to Four major problems : 1) Since the muscles move the bones and body, long period of tension in some muscle groups will cause wrong body position.
The muscles can't do their normal job and will have to relay on other muscles around.
Most people, for example, have their head pointing to much forwards.
The tense muscles in the neck can't balance the head and have to relay on other muscle groups such as the jaw muscles.
This is one of the major cause for TMJ and other jaw problems.
Tension in the jaw and other muscles around also puts pressure on the breathing passages and causes snoring.
Wrong position of the head also causes imbalance in between the balance system in the ears and the balance system of the eyes - that is one of the main cause of dizziness and vertigo.
2) Tension in the muscles drastically reduces blood flow and may even block veins from delivering oxygen to every cell of the body instead of supporting the same.
If this blocking happens to blood-carrying veins to the brain, it becomes really harmful thus giving rise to dizziness/vertigo, Fibromyalgia, migraine and other related headaches.
Men will suffer from erectile dysfunction if the muscles around the genitals are tense.
Brain is not the only part of the body that needs oxygen filled blood.
3) Tense muscles lock the bones in unnatural position for a long period of a time.
The bones eventually press on a nerve that sends pain signals up to the brain.
Almost all conditions that include pain are caused by tension in the muscles.
Including arthritis.
2) Blood flow will be prevented by tense muscles as they will actually block, instead of supporting the veins delivering oxygen to every cell in the body.
This is especially injurious with muscles that can prevent blood from flowing into the brain - directly giving rise to migraine and other headaches apart from dizziness/vertigo and Fibromyalgia.
There are parts of the body other than brain that need oxygen filled blood; men will suffer from erectile dysfunction if the muscles around the genitals are tense.
So what is the solution? It's simple.
Move and stimulate the muscles that are stiff.
Remember that muscles will not change their position till they get orders from the nerves that control them.
These nerves are of course controlled by the brain, which hopefully is under your control.
So get the muscles going and the pain and problem will go away.
By taking things back to the basic i have of course simplified things in this short article, yet the truth remains that solutions to many major health problems have been found by me, some of them were considered incurable by the traditional medical system.
This has been effected by mostly focusing on loosening up both big and small muscles of the body.
I'm discovering new conditions this simple method can heal - All the time !
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