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Paranormal News

Collaboration with paranormal researchers needed, says skeptic
In-depth interview with noted psychology researcher, and skeptic Dr. Richard Wiseman explores his research into psi phenomena and the path forward for research...
McGowan's mystery bovid
What do these horns belong to? They're part of Jon McGowan's collection: he acquired them some years ago from an antique shop (the same sort of place where he previously obtained a head of the remarkable Osborn's caribou), so provenance data of any sort is lacking.

While this animal is clearly a bovid, beyond that we're having trouble identifying it...

Will reality of extraterrestrial life shatter religion?
In the words of physicist and author Paul Davies, "The existence of extraterrestrial intelligences would have a profound impact on religion, shattering completely the traditional perspective of God's special relationship with man. The difficulties are particularly acute for Christianity, which postulates that Jesus Christ was God incarnate whose mission was to provide salvation for man on Earth...

Chimps 'more evolved' than humans
It is time to stop thinking we are the pinnacle of evolutionary success - chimpanzees are the more highly evolved species, according to new research. Evolutionary geneticist Jianzhi Zhang and colleagues at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, US, compared DNA sequences for 13,888 genes shared by human, chimp and rhesus macaques...

Another chapter in the story of the world's most mysterious book
Gordon Rugg's work showed that the Voynich Manuscript could have been hoaxed.

Whether or not the manuscript actually was a hoax was another question. A key problem was finding a suitable type of statistical analysis...

"Haunted tree" in Orissa village creates panic
Manglojodi, Orissa: Panic-stricken residents of an eastern Indian village say a killer ghost that lives on a tree stalks them, bringing true the prophesy of a possessed girl. Unable to bear the torture for long some of the braver ones in Manglojodi, a hamlet in Khurda district of eastern Orissa state pulled down the tree. The story apparently did not stop there...

Theater ghosts
Ghosts seem to favor theatres and opera houses as a place to hang around. Theatre ghosts interact with patrons and can seem to act as a good or bad omen for the theatre's current production. Different types of paranormal phenomena are reported when theatre ghosts are present...
(Also read: "The Grieving Ghost of Mary Jo")

Massachusetts woman dies; life marked by extraordinary events
Audrey Santo, a young Massachusetts woman who lived most of her life in a comatose state, surrounded by unexplained spiritual phenomena, died at home on Saturday, April 14. As a toddler, Audrey Santo suffered a traumatic accident, which - aggravated by medical errors - left her in a condition known as akinetic mutism. She spent nearly 20 years in a bed in her family's home in Worcester, Massachusetts, before finally succumbing to cardio-pulmonary failure...
(Also read: "The Santo Miracles")

Project Alpha and the spoon benders
In the late 1960s, a young Israeli man named Uri Geller gained a substantial amount of attention and fame following a collection of remarkable demonstrations on US and British television. In full view of astonished audiences, Uri was seemingly able to manipulate metal with his mind...
(Also read: "Video: Spoon bending demonstration")

A few thoughts on "Giganto - The Real King Kong"
Karl Rose: Several days ago I watched a program on the History channel called, "Giganto - The Real King Kong", which discussed the little information that is known about gigantopithecus, as well as the beliefs of some scientists that it still exists in the Pacific Northwest instead of having gone extinct in the Pleistocene...

Werewolves in the mist
Tina Sena: This is not your typical Hollywood horror story. No matter what your parents may have told you, Werewolves are real. I know this to be fact, because I've seen one...
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