At the point of purchase, your responsibilities as a car owner to your car starts. You car is just like your pet that needs to be properly taken care off.
Contrary to what some people thinks taking care of a car is not a difficult task, it only requires some basic skills, tools, little time and attention. Apart from washing the car regularly to make it looks neat and attractive you have to carry out daily checks on it's brakes, engine oil, wheel pressure e.t.c. these simple task is known as advanced maintenance for car owners.
If you are able to carry out this tasks on regular bases you will save yourself some money and also will not be calling on mechanic all the time to fix your car.
These regular maintenance and checking is necessary so that your car will not put your life and that of your family into danger whenever you are travelling in it, also it will prevent major fault from developing, which can cost you a lot of money to repair.
For you to achieve total maintenance of your car you need to carry out advance maintenence for car owners.
There are some important parts that must be working prefectly in your car, one of it is brake, it must be kept in good and prefect working condition at all times. I want you to know that brake problems does not happen in one day, It must have been developing for a while, break failure has caused a lot of accidents.
Before you travel anywher with your car, be sure that there are no traces of brake failure, some of the signs to watch out for is that when it looks as if something is holding down your pedal before your brake catshes, or you pull your handbrake and it takes some seconds before that clicking sound, these are signs and indications of brake failure and it needs prompt attension to avert accident.
Another thing you need to pay good attension to is your tire, be sure to check the pressure, do not travel with falty tire, if you do, accident is ost probably travelling along with you. so be pacient enough to check on your tires before you zum off.
Also you need to check the oil level, you are putting your car at a great risk if you drive it bellow recommended oil level, the right time to check your oil level is when the car's engine is cool and also on a level ground.
Your car coolant is another thing you need to check especially if you are a long distance driver,this is what prevent your car from overheating, it also make sure you are comfortable by keeping you cool during the summer.
The tips above are generally advanced maintenance for car owners, they are not expensive or diificult to carry out, if you do them regularly it is guaranteed that your car will have a long life span and you will spend less on repairs.
Contrary to what some people thinks taking care of a car is not a difficult task, it only requires some basic skills, tools, little time and attention. Apart from washing the car regularly to make it looks neat and attractive you have to carry out daily checks on it's brakes, engine oil, wheel pressure e.t.c. these simple task is known as advanced maintenance for car owners.
If you are able to carry out this tasks on regular bases you will save yourself some money and also will not be calling on mechanic all the time to fix your car.
These regular maintenance and checking is necessary so that your car will not put your life and that of your family into danger whenever you are travelling in it, also it will prevent major fault from developing, which can cost you a lot of money to repair.
For you to achieve total maintenance of your car you need to carry out advance maintenence for car owners.
There are some important parts that must be working prefectly in your car, one of it is brake, it must be kept in good and prefect working condition at all times. I want you to know that brake problems does not happen in one day, It must have been developing for a while, break failure has caused a lot of accidents.
Before you travel anywher with your car, be sure that there are no traces of brake failure, some of the signs to watch out for is that when it looks as if something is holding down your pedal before your brake catshes, or you pull your handbrake and it takes some seconds before that clicking sound, these are signs and indications of brake failure and it needs prompt attension to avert accident.
Another thing you need to pay good attension to is your tire, be sure to check the pressure, do not travel with falty tire, if you do, accident is ost probably travelling along with you. so be pacient enough to check on your tires before you zum off.
Also you need to check the oil level, you are putting your car at a great risk if you drive it bellow recommended oil level, the right time to check your oil level is when the car's engine is cool and also on a level ground.
Your car coolant is another thing you need to check especially if you are a long distance driver,this is what prevent your car from overheating, it also make sure you are comfortable by keeping you cool during the summer.
The tips above are generally advanced maintenance for car owners, they are not expensive or diificult to carry out, if you do them regularly it is guaranteed that your car will have a long life span and you will spend less on repairs.