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How to Create a Path Way Or Structure in Your Garden

Tips on how to add structure to your garden with perfect paving and practical paths.
CHOOSING THE ELEMENTS Paths, particularly those that lead right up to a property, work best if the exterior materials complement those inside the house.
Match the tones as closely as possible, but vary the layout, and perhaps add a secondary, smaller material to give the path a distinctive look; if the key ingredient matches the interior of the house, the scheme will look cohesive.
LAYOUT, STYLE AND COLOUR Think about where you want to walk and the impact of your path.
Do you want it to stride boldly across the lawn, or is it a subtle means of enticing people through the garden? Will it principally be a decorative feature, or serve as a distraction? In a narrow garden, a fan effect of paths helps make the space look wider, or you could lay wide rectangular slabs in a meandering manner across the area.
The texture and cut of the material will also affect the look.
Do you want hard edges and smooth, untextured surfaces, or soft edges, natural colours and an aged feel? Treat every path as a chance ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Check the carbon footprint of whichever hard landscaping material you choose.
Is it from a sustainable source? How was it extracted and then taken to the supplier? Will its use benefit your garden? By law, paved front gardens must be water permeable.
Reputable suppliers work with the Carbon Trust so look out for a black footprint logo.
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