Lifting weights has become more and more popular over the past 50 years.
As we enter 2009, there are millions of people, young and old, trying to gain weight and build muscle.
Some are more successful than others are and this is not due to their effort.
Some people's bodies simply allow them to gain weight and build muscle easier than others.
These people who struggle to gain weight are called hardgainers.
Their bodies are different than other peoples and they need to utilize a workout program that takes this into account.
Finding a routine that is catered to their strengths, and more importantly, their weaknesses, is absolutely essential.
The reason hardgainers have a difficult time putting on weight is because they are not following routines catered to their bodies.
Their muscles recover slower than other people's do and it is important to find a routine that allows extra rest time in between workouts.
A great routine for a hardgainer calls for 3 to 4 hours lifting weights each week.
This should be made up of 3 to 4 one-hour workout sessions without ever going over this one-hour mark.
These sessions are the perfect amount of time to trigger significant muscle growth while not overworking the muscles.
The routines to stay away from are ones you find in a magazine or copy from a friend.
If your friend has a different body type, this training regiment will not work for you.
These routines simply overwork your muscles and force you to lift before the muscles have fully healed.
This actually weakens the muscles, giving you no chance for muscle growth and weight gain.
As we enter 2009, there are millions of people, young and old, trying to gain weight and build muscle.
Some are more successful than others are and this is not due to their effort.
Some people's bodies simply allow them to gain weight and build muscle easier than others.
These people who struggle to gain weight are called hardgainers.
Their bodies are different than other peoples and they need to utilize a workout program that takes this into account.
Finding a routine that is catered to their strengths, and more importantly, their weaknesses, is absolutely essential.
The reason hardgainers have a difficult time putting on weight is because they are not following routines catered to their bodies.
Their muscles recover slower than other people's do and it is important to find a routine that allows extra rest time in between workouts.
A great routine for a hardgainer calls for 3 to 4 hours lifting weights each week.
This should be made up of 3 to 4 one-hour workout sessions without ever going over this one-hour mark.
These sessions are the perfect amount of time to trigger significant muscle growth while not overworking the muscles.
The routines to stay away from are ones you find in a magazine or copy from a friend.
If your friend has a different body type, this training regiment will not work for you.
These routines simply overwork your muscles and force you to lift before the muscles have fully healed.
This actually weakens the muscles, giving you no chance for muscle growth and weight gain.