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Memorial Day Reflections

Another Memorial Day has come and gone and I was reflecting on some of my past articles which stand as a testament to the freedoms of expression I enjoy here in easy living America.  Many of these freedoms, I am ashamed to confess, I take for granted throughout the year.  Memorial Day seems to me to be the best time to reflect on the issues of freedom and democracy that I give little attention or thanksgiving for throughout most of the year.

That which I write is at the very least controversial, and at worst quite rebellious.  Many would roast me alive if it were legal and many more just wish they could.  Many agree with that which I believe and write about and many probably see me as a hypocritical blowhard.

I have written many a scathing article which could be construed as an attack on the very government who paves my roads.  I have voiced my opinions about what I believe to be greed and corruption in our government from the USDA to the FDA and many individuals in between.

I have been very vocal about the horrible abuse of animals raised for human consumption on farm factories all over this great land.  I have placed the blame for this carnage on individual Americans who close their eyes to this unnecessary suffering and I have done so relentlessly.

I have made my opinion known to anyone who would listen and many seem to be doing that (although not necessarily agreeing) based on the many folks who read my articles every day.  I am quite aware that many strongly disagree with my beliefs and I certainly can respect that.  I am at the same time grateful that they would continue to read my ramblings anyway.

This Memorial Day has given me pause to reflect on my last nine months worth of articles which have given me the freedom to express my opinion in no uncertain terms.  What I have written would probably be a death sentence if it were written in many countries of the world who do not value freedom in the same way we do in America.  For this I am grateful.

I am also mindful that these liberties which so many have sacrificed life and limb to attain for me are transitory at best.  Many who have died that freedom might live would be horrified at the state of America at this moment.  Many men and women who are at this very moment risking their lives for my liberty cannot possibly have the hindsight that fifty more years will bring.

America (which stands for freedom) is more and more becoming governed by big corporations.  The American government who should fear the people is becoming more fearless with each passing hour.  When Americans fear the government it spells tyranny.  When the government fears the people it spells liberty.

We must continue to wage war on our very own soil for the cause of liberty.  Since making judgements as to our and our families health and well being is a fundamental right, we must realize that we are in a colossal battle to maintain this most basic and precious of birthrights.  When big government takes control of this right out of the hands of individual citizens and abuses them, they have deprived us of the very core of that which makes America the greatest nation on earth.

In many ways our government has sold out the health of its citizenry in the name of the almighty dollar.  This trend continues unabated at this writing.  As Americans who live under the umbrella of freedom provided to us by the men and women who have died to secure our liberties, we have a duty to stand for this freedom and make a loud statement to our fearless government that we control you and you do not control us.  It is you that had better tread lightly especially when our liberties are at stake and you had better be mindful each and every hour of the sacrifices brave men and women have made to secure your own freedom.  You do not have the right nor the power to throw all of that in the dumpster, as it were,  and moreover, we will not allow you to do it.

God Bless America
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