Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

7 Steps To Prospecting Success

  The Seven Steps to Prospecting Success

  An important part of Magic Bullet thinking is the realization that it is the implementation of simple things that matters. You are only 21 days away from a prospecting habit that will change your life. The following steps, followed as described will help you increase your momentum in sales. The Magic Bullet for Sales will show you how.

 Target your market

 Make a list of your target market. This could be friends, family, past business associates, past clients, centers of influence, personnel managers, current service providers etc.

 Make personal contact

 Contact by phone and if possible visit in person, ask questions, listen, develop rapport and always remember the next step will make or break you

 Ask for referrals

 The reality is people won't send you referrals if you don't ask for them. People want you to ask. Master asking for referrals! Make it a daily habit!

 Send a 3 sentence longhand writtenThank You Note.

 Sounds easy but if it's so easy why do less than 3% of people do it? To make your note powerful add a PS and relate it to something your customer(s) said. The PS will get the most attention. You can contact me if you need some Thank You Note templates.

 File Them- feed your database daily

 The value of your business is in your database so stay very close to it and feed it daily. Implement a Frequent Personal Contact system for your known database. In the event you want to sell your business it is your database based on foundational models that creates present and future value.

 Report personallyon all referrals

 Most referral programs break down if you don't report back to the person who sent you a referral. You are trying to create a conditioned response. Whether the referral is a success or not is not the most important issue. The most important issue is that you report back to them. This way you will create a habit for life and they will send more.

 Maintain Frequent Personal Contact.

 It's all about staying close to your met database every day. Develop a program that reminds them of you every 3 weeks. Today's technology makes communication much easier. Never forget the power of in person contact. Focus in person contact with those customers who refer others. Combine high technology with high touch.

 You'll need to implement these steps with a minimum of 5 customers per day for three weeks. You will gain momentum by this time and you can build on it. In the event you're in a sales slump go back to the steps on your past sales. As I have written in my Magic Bullet book it is implementation that matters. Why is it that only 3%, on average put thought into action?
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