Many people aren't surprised to learn that the material users can see on the Internet is limited in some countries. After all, we all know that certain countries limit the rights of their citizens. But many people are surprised to learn that that to some degree, Internet service is limited in the USA, too.
Just like with other types of censorship, Internet censorship limits what you can access or post on the Internet. The problem with censoring material on the Internet is that you can't really censor it unless you forbid anyone for using computers with Internet access. For instance, North Korea controls and limits the access its citizens have to the Internet. This prevents them from accessing material the government does not wish them to see.
But when most countries ban something on the Internet, people can simply access the information by looking on sites that are operated in countries where the material isn't banned. The very nature of the Internet makes it difficult to censor. One of the things most people admire about the Internet is how it connects people from around the globe. That same ability makes it difficult to censor anything.
The United States has made attempts to censor some material on the Internet. In 1996, the Communications Decency Act was meant to limit the information seen by minors, but this act was mostly overturned because it limits free speech. Copyright protection, however, is in effect for the Internet because it protects against piracy.
Schools, libraries, and other organizations that receive federal funding are expected to have filtering programs in place that limit the sites children can access. These agencies implemented this software to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000.
The reason more isn't censored in the United States is because of free speech. The right of free speech enables people to post and see information on the Internet that many other countries would censor.[
Since the United States doesn't censor much, most parents do their own censoring. They limit what sites their children can access. This is probably the most effective way to police and censor Internet content. If parents decide what their children can and cannot see on the Internet, then the goal of protecting the young is accomplished.
Periodically, the United States government seeks to limit Internet access. So far, the government's efforts have been met with fights from the advocates of free speech. Although individual Internet companies often will pull material that is considered offensive, the government as a whole has not made many restrictions.
The responsibility to censor the Internet is placed on the citizens in the United States. People make their own choices when it comes to the Internet. Citizens decide for themselves what is offensive and, therefore, should be avoided.
Just like with other types of censorship, Internet censorship limits what you can access or post on the Internet. The problem with censoring material on the Internet is that you can't really censor it unless you forbid anyone for using computers with Internet access. For instance, North Korea controls and limits the access its citizens have to the Internet. This prevents them from accessing material the government does not wish them to see.
But when most countries ban something on the Internet, people can simply access the information by looking on sites that are operated in countries where the material isn't banned. The very nature of the Internet makes it difficult to censor. One of the things most people admire about the Internet is how it connects people from around the globe. That same ability makes it difficult to censor anything.
The United States has made attempts to censor some material on the Internet. In 1996, the Communications Decency Act was meant to limit the information seen by minors, but this act was mostly overturned because it limits free speech. Copyright protection, however, is in effect for the Internet because it protects against piracy.
Schools, libraries, and other organizations that receive federal funding are expected to have filtering programs in place that limit the sites children can access. These agencies implemented this software to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000.
The reason more isn't censored in the United States is because of free speech. The right of free speech enables people to post and see information on the Internet that many other countries would censor.[
Since the United States doesn't censor much, most parents do their own censoring. They limit what sites their children can access. This is probably the most effective way to police and censor Internet content. If parents decide what their children can and cannot see on the Internet, then the goal of protecting the young is accomplished.
Periodically, the United States government seeks to limit Internet access. So far, the government's efforts have been met with fights from the advocates of free speech. Although individual Internet companies often will pull material that is considered offensive, the government as a whole has not made many restrictions.
The responsibility to censor the Internet is placed on the citizens in the United States. People make their own choices when it comes to the Internet. Citizens decide for themselves what is offensive and, therefore, should be avoided.